Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Multibit HD wallet PW issues #1031

Open Rwelch9824 opened 4 years ago

Rwelch9824 commented 4 years ago

I have an OLD Multibit HD wallet and now my password is not working. It's on a laptop we used for work years ago. When I got the wallet in 2013 there were no "words" to recover etc. Does anyone know my next steps? I have looked and tried much, but do not want to make a mess anywhere and lose the whole thing. Tried to add a wallet & transfer (needs PW), tried to send to another account (needs PW) tried to reset PW (needs PW). Please let me know. Thanks RW

doge2021 commented 1 year ago

the multibit HD has words. i guess you used the legacy wallet. if you have a rough idea of the password, btc2doge can help. he recovered my dogecoin password in may of 2021.