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contribute to MultibitHD interface design and usability check #621

Closed ezzdev closed 9 years ago

ezzdev commented 9 years ago

Hi Owner

i am looking to contribute a new deisgn for the new edition

there is alot i can do in term of design and usability

as a start can you please let me know how the themes are build for this software ? i will send a new theme draft to check quality and continue from there

appreciate if you guide me as i am new here

thanks M.Ezzdin

gary-rowe commented 9 years ago

Hi @netcaster and thank you for the offer of assistance.

In order to make progress with the themes you'll need to have reasonably in-depth knowledge of Java Swing and the Nimbus LookAndFeel in particular. There's no CSS or HTML styling like in JavaFX.

You'll probably want to start by just making an extra colour theme (we currently have Bootstrap, Light and Dark). You can do this by looking at the Themes and ThemeKey classes (see mbhd-swing module) and then adding your own. I'd recommend making changes in the Intellij IDE (a free community edition is available and instructions for using it are in the MultiBit HD wiki).

As regards introducing more complex behaviour such as a "Flat" or "Aqua" theme then you'll be wading into some complex Java LookAndFeel work which may be a lot more effort than you first envisage. For an example of this kind of fiddly work, take a look at the NimbusDecorator factory class which provides much of the button colouring code.

gary-rowe commented 9 years ago

I'll add this issue to the Support milestone for now and as things progress we can see about a release milestone.

gary-rowe commented 9 years ago

A couple of considerations for a theme that would be useful are:

gary-rowe commented 9 years ago

Closed due to inactivity.