Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Provide a currency ticker for instant exchange rate #630

Closed gary-rowe closed 9 years ago

gary-rowe commented 9 years ago

User feedback has indicated that having a currency ticker is a useful tool.

Two locations come to mind:

I think this would be useful to reinstate and positioning it in its own box on the footer bar would be a familiar place to look for it (Office apps often place information there so mainstream-friendly location).

jim618 commented 9 years ago

Let's not do this.

It clutters up the UI.

gary-rowe commented 9 years ago

We could have it as an optional configuration. When I use Classic I do tend to note the current exchange rate in passing as a measure of "Bitcoin health". It only needs to be a single number with a currency symbol in the footer. I don't see it as clutter.

jim618 commented 9 years ago

Let's just keep MultiBit as a wallet

We've deliberately reduced the number of visual elements to a minimum to keep things clear and easy to understand. Let's NOT start putting them all back

gary-rowe commented 9 years ago

OK, we're at an impasse here. I'll toss this into the Graveyard on the grounds of "it's work and other stuff needs to be done" and we'll see if user feedback resurrects it.

jim618 commented 9 years ago

okey dokey