Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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implement Child-Pays-for-Parent to bump fees #663

Open jim618 opened 9 years ago

jim618 commented 9 years ago


This might be a good way to help with the 'fee is too low - tx stuck forever' problem of spam attacks.

Andreas Schildbach is working on it:

I have seen him post in bitcoinj something about it too IIRC.

In usability terms it wouldn't be too bad - something like 'Bump this transaction by adding more fee' or something. With an extra tx that just adds fee and sends change back to wallet.

rtuck99 commented 7 years ago

+1 for this, I am waiting on transactions after sweeping my wallet from multibit classic. This feature is needed in order to support use cases where as a recipient the user is waiting on a transaction, especially as miner fees are increasing