Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Switching between Trezor and KeepKey needs work #745

Closed gary-rowe closed 8 years ago

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

Part of the "rainy day" support. When a user is in a hardware wallet session the following switching use cases are expected (KeepKey and Trezor are interchangeable in each use case):

Attached KeepKey allows switch to Trezor

  1. User has an unlocked KeepKey session underway with an attached KeepKey
  2. User detaches KeepKey and attaches Trezor
  3. Expect to see a switch alert with Yes button
  4. User clicks Yes and is taken to Credentials wizard in Trezor mode (KeepKey events are ignored)

Unlocked KeepKey session with detached KeepKey

  1. User has an unlocked KeepKey session underway but has detached their KeepKey
  2. User re-attaches earlier KeepKey - no alert shown
  3. User attaches a different KeepKey - expect a switch alert
gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

See #746 for additional behaviour use cases.

Ready for review and close.

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Test: Plug in uninitialised KeepKey. Create wallet. Detach. Attach Trezor. See alert. Click yes. Enter PIN. Unlock. Sync. PASS Test: Plug in KeepKey. Enter PIN. Unlock. Sync. Detach. Attach Trezor. See alert. Click yes. Enter PIN. Unlock. Sync. PASS Test: Plug in Trezor. Enter PIN. Unlock. Sync. Detach. Attach KeepKey. See alert. Click yes. Enter PIN. Unlock. Sync. PASS.

Test: KeepKey wallet active. Unplug. Plug in same KeepKey. No alert. PASS. Test: KeepKey wallet active. Unplug. Plug in different KeepKey. See alert. Click yes. Enter PIN. Unlock. Sync. PASS

Test: Trezor wallet active. Unplug. Plug in same Trezor. No alert. PASS Test: Trezor wallet active. Unplug. Plug in different Trezor. See alert. Click yes. Enter PIN. Unlock. Wallet syncs fine. PASS.
