Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Create 0.2.0 installer #771

Closed jim618 closed 8 years ago

jim618 commented 8 years ago


Ensure all issues are completed for milestone. Done as of 09 Feb 2016 13:00. Update SPV checkpoints file. Done. Read 194 checkpoints, hash is 3af83652023ac77acfe27eb289705ab95fc86629560b7092359d3b8520e3cce8 Checked with Tools | Repair wallet. Update the local help. Help now points at 0.2.x with new Buy/Sell article. Checked shown ok (not yet on Feb 2016 : 13:25 Update the localisation files from Updated 11 Feb 2016 12:00 Merge from develop into master, tag code. Merged. Tagged 'release-0.2.0'. 11 Feb 2016 : 14:10 Final verification that functional tests (FEST, stress and emulator) run correctly. Unit tests run ok. FEST test failures:


Final verification that latest hardware wallet firmware is supported. Tested with Trezor firmware v1.3.3 and KeepKey v1.0.4 Check correct copy of multibit-hd.jar is in installer target directory. Checked dated 11 Feb 2016 : 14: 20 ok. Create update-message.html for version check user notification. Done. Check install4j auto-update points to updates.xml and NOT updates-test.xml. Done.


Create and sign installer using Windows and Apple developer keys. Done. Create and check PGP signatures for binaries. Done Create and check SHA256 files for binaries. Done Create release note with SHA256 hashs of the binaries. Done Verify the release note with earlier version of MultiBit HD. Done.


Push binaries to website following the directory naming conventions (expect Reddit notification from this point). Copied to for smoketesting. Download installers from website and smoketest on each operating system. Smoketest for MacOS, Windows 8 (by Jim) ok. Smoketest on Windows 10, OS X El Capitan and Ubuntu Linux 14.4 (LTS) ok (by Gary) Push the website code to Installers copied to 0.2.0 release and website pushed to beta and live. Done. Issue general notification on social media Reddit/Twitter/BitcoinTalk if not already in place. Wait 24 hours for feedback. Push to releases/multibit-hd/updates.xml so that auto updates start. Done.