Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Notes is getting lost for Trezor wallet on shutdown/ startup #772

Closed jim618 closed 8 years ago

jim618 commented 8 years ago

If you plug in a Trezor and set a note for the wallet (in Manage wallet | Edit wallet) , then Exit and restart with the Trezor still plugged in the note has disappeared.

I checked that it was present in the wallet yaml at shutdown.

jim618 commented 8 years ago

This bug was present in at least v0.1.4

jim618 commented 8 years ago

This also affects a KeepKey wallet

jim618 commented 8 years ago

The comment is correctly stored when you close down MBHD When you open it up the note is present in the YAML file up until the user presses the 'unlock' screen. Then the notes field disappears in the YAML file

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Fixed. Tested with KeepKey and Trezor.

Awaiting review and closing

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

Verified working. Closing.