Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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sent bitcoins to wrong address #778

Closed simions closed 8 years ago

simions commented 8 years ago

Hi hope you can help me guys. I bought some bitcoins recently a and as an address i've put address from request which i deleted earlier. I looked on blockchain and bitcoins are transferred to that address but they do not show up in my wallet. is there any way for me to get them in my wallet.

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Bitcon transactions are irreversible so once they have been sent and they are confirmed you cannot undo them.

If you know who you sent it to then the best thing to do is contact them (by email or whatever) and simply explain that you sent them by mistake and ask for them back. Everyone using bitcoin has done this at least once so most people do the right thing and send them back.

Good luck