Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Bitcoin lost. Need some help to understand. #817

Open bodyclock opened 8 years ago

bodyclock commented 8 years ago

I am a newb and non technical so I am sure I made some sort of mistake, so I'd like some help figuring it out. Im not looking for anyone to replace the coin, just don't want to make the same mistake again.

I sent a transaction from my MB wallet to a marketplace. When I went to the marketplace a few hours later, my account had been emptied of what was already there, plus the new deposit. It was withdrawn to an address that wasn't mine. When i opened the transaction in MB, it shows that the coin was sent to two addresses. I am positive that I only used one. Is this something MB does on its own or was i hacked/phished there? Any help is appreciated. thanks.

Transaction ID:

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

The "two places" are the destination address and an internal "change" address that returns any overspent funds back to you. The first address (16rq...) was most likely created by the marketplace and is probably the one you sent the majority of the funds to. The second address (that you will won't have entered anywhere) was generated by MultiBit HD and should still be under your control with about 1,793 bits.

It appears that someone running the marketplace has moved the funds elsewhere. You should take this up with them.

If you don't recognise either address, and the marketplace is reputable, then it is possible that the address offered by the marketplace was intercepted and altered by malware installed on your machine perhaps during a clipboard transfer. You should not perform any more transactions until you have verified your machine.

Finally, verify the installer that you used for MultiBit HD using its digital signature as described in our guide. You should only install signed installers direct from us over HTTPS.

You may want to have a read of this Bitcoin FAQ which will help you get an overall picture of how Bitcoin works in a non-technical manner.

bodyclock commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the response. I will go through all the points you made and the FAQ. Hopefully i will learn something. thanks again