Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Multibit Stuck at Synchronizing #820

Open graphicsarray opened 8 years ago

graphicsarray commented 8 years ago

Bug report Operating System: Windows 7 MultiBit HD Version: Latest Steps to replicate the problem: Multbit HD was working till yesterday But today i opened it and the wallet is stuck at Synchronize forever. This is after putting in the password and it is authenticated. I use my wallet everyday

All i want to know is. Is there any way to recover my wallet at all ? i told all my friends to use MultibitHD and now i am here suffering with a weird problem

Screen shot: d2tngck

This is really annoying when i cant find the .wallet file either

please help me. i have 48 coins in it

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Normally you'd see 10 peers so it could very well be a network problem. Have a look at the 'Verify network' article in the help.

Accessing MultiBit HD on a different network (e.g. coffee shop wifi) may also work.

If that doesn't help, then download the Lighthouse wallet ( and use your wallet words to create a 'clone' of your wallet.

graphicsarray commented 8 years ago

I use MultibitHD on a PC is there any other way ? or maybe tomorrow it might automatically fix ?

graphicsarray commented 8 years ago

Lighthouse is not responding at all I think its JAVA problem ?

jim618 commented 8 years ago

It does sound like something to do with your local setup if both MultiBit HD and Lighthouse are having problems.

If you have access to another PC (Win/Mac/Linux) perhaps try installing MultiBit HD on that machine and then restoring from your wallet words.