Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Add Blockchain URI to list of block explorers #835

Closed MarcoPon closed 8 years ago

MarcoPon commented 8 years ago


I was trying to find the proper why to ask what you think about the BIP in question, then I though that actually proposing some code may be the best way. I have no experience with Java, but I think the modifications were quite simple. I'm probably missing some tests, but wouldn't want to touch too much code that can't test. About BIP 122, it have received encouraging support both in the bitcoin-dev ML and in conversations with (mobile) wallet developers. But there's a bit of "chicken and egg" issue about wallets & explorers supporting it, so I thought that adding it to a popular desktop wallet could maybe put things in motion.

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

Thanks for offering up this pull request, but it is incomplete and I'm unsure what benefit it will bring.

Simply referencing a blockchain protocol within the JVM will not initiate an external call to a dedicated protocol handler (as would be the case with a browser). Also the link to the BIP is now broken.

As a result this will not be merged.

MarcoPon commented 8 years ago

OK, understood. Thanks for the attention! P.S. The link is ok and seems to works just fine tho, probably it was just a temporary problem.

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

No worries. I've rechecked the link and it's OK now. Must have been a glitch.