Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
169 stars 124 forks source link

Bug report #838

Closed kornelius93 closed 8 years ago

kornelius93 commented 8 years ago

Bug report Operating System: Windows 10 MultiBit HD Version:0.1.2





Waiting for my money about 2 days already.

I've removed personally identifying information:

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

From the screen shots it may be that you've set your transaction fee too low and the miners are ignoring it. Generally using the defaults in the latest version of MultiBit HD 0.1.4 will have a good chance of rapid inclusion in a block. You should upgrade your MultiBit HD to avoid this happening in the future.

Since this is an issue with the block chain and miner acceptance, I'm going to close this issue.

kornelius93 commented 8 years ago

So, I won't get my money back or what?

jim618 commented 8 years ago

It'll get into a block eventually but it could be quite a while.

kornelius93 commented 8 years ago

Week, month or how long approximately?

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Work out the fee rate you paid and have a look at for network stats

kornelius93 commented 8 years ago

Do I need to write a report to Bitstamp? Or this error means only that I paid not enough fee and that I just have to wait? I've done it before like a 100 times with the same fee and everything was OK.

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Fees are a bit annoying with bitcoin at the moment as they make life difficult for everyone. With the latest MultiBIt HD code there is a slider (in Preferences | Fees) that you can adjust.

If you have an old version the fees weren't adjustable - a month or two ago transaction fees went up x5 which is probably the problem.

You'll just have to be patient I am afraid

kornelius93 commented 8 years ago

Is there a chance that they will never come back?

jim618 commented 8 years ago

It's possible that the bitcoin network forgets the transaction "because it is old and they don't like it". In this case you can just do a "Manage wallet | repair wallet" and you can resync to what is on the blockchain. In this case it will be as if the transaction never happened and you'll see the bitcoin back in your wallet.

A bitcoin transaction is either succesful (i.e. the recipient has the bitcoin) or eventually fails (in which case you have the bitcoin). It can't get lost.

kornelius93 commented 8 years ago

But I've already repaired it and nothing changed.

kornelius93 commented 8 years ago

Everything is fine, I got my money. Thank you a lot for your help.

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Good to hear it confirmed ok (eventually)