Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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BIP70 payment requests not matched on wallet replay #850

Closed jim618 closed 8 years ago

jim618 commented 8 years ago

I just did a Tool | Repair wallet on a wallet with a BIP70 request in.

The send tx that paid this did not correctly match the payment request, leaving both visible. Screenshot:

screen shot 2016-02-08 at 15 14 08

See 12th Jan. The payment request should be matched with the send and disappear from the main payments screen.

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Fix for this is in develop. You can test it using the Donate button on and then paying the Payment Request and doing a Tools | Repair wallet. You should see the payment request and payment match (so you only see the transaction until you drill down into the Transaction Details Wizard).

Awaiting review and closing.

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

Verified working.
