Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
169 stars 124 forks source link

status of transfer has been "waiting for feedback about transaction from the bitcoin network" for over a week #856

Open drew1903 opened 8 years ago

drew1903 commented 8 years ago

Hi ive been havin trouble with a transaction for over a week now. I was trying to move some money from my multibit wallet to another wallet but the transaction never went through and has not should up on blockchain.The status of the transaction is "waiting for feedback about transaction from the bitcoin network" and it also says that the payment was not sent to any requests. Can you please help me with recovering this money or help me finish the transaction so the bitcoins send to my other wallet. Thanks for any help

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Post the transaction id so that we can have a look at it

jim618 commented 8 years ago

Couple of other points: