Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Switch default wallet creation to Trezor path derivation #861

Open jim618 opened 8 years ago

jim618 commented 8 years ago

We currently by default create wallets with the BIP32 path derivation. With the loss of availability of Lighthouse there is now AFAIK only BreadWallet that uses the same path derivation. This makes transfer of a MultiBit HD wallet to another wallet problematic.

BIP44 compatibility seems more common e.g. it is used by:


It might be worth us switching the path derivation for default wallet creation to BIP44 i.e. what we refer to now as Trezor soft wallets. That way users would be able to move their wallet easily.

We would also make the default restore option the BIP44 wallet type. BIP32 restore would still be available for wallets created earlier.

Existing wallets would stay the same.

The Manage wallet | Wallet dashboard would show the type of wallet the user had as it does now. No change.

There would be some risk of confusion though as older MultiBit HD wallets would be using a different path derivation.

Two new HD wallets 'in the works' are Jaxx and the new wallet. If one or more of those used the BIP32 wallet then we could use those as our recommended 'clone your MultiBit HD wallet in wallet X' option.

Thoughts ?