Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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I lost my bitcoins, help me please #887

Open Aumbbel opened 8 years ago

Aumbbel commented 8 years ago

For a seriuos error in my pc, I reinstall windows in my PC. I have my wallet words, but the Multibit HD not recovery my bitcoins. I try 3 times, help me please

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

Wallet words, when written correctly, are extremely unlikely to fail. Please verify the following:

There is further information in the help here:

Aumbbel commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have 12 words, I can see "verified" I select Multibit HD , I try syncronization complete 3 times, my wallet is empty. I remember this wallet is automated updated to new version... ths generate new words?..... I use recuva software. I recover some archives for help me please

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

The update process will not affect any wallet files nor will create any new wallet words.

Since you are getting the "verified" message and you're sure these wallet words came from MultiBit HD there are a few more things to try:

The recuva software has located a .zip.aes file (cloud backup file). These are intended to be stored on a remote drive so that there is a secure offsite backup of your wallet.

To verify that this cloud backup matches the wallet words you are trying, do the following after reading this article:

  1. Exit MultiBit HD
  2. Open your file explorer and locate the application directory (see link above)
  3. Verify that there is a directory there with the same name as the .zip.aes file - this will indicate that you are using the correct wallet words
  4. If the directory does not have the same number as your .zip.aes then you need to find some different wallet words because you're definitely using the wrong ones and resulting in an empty balance
  5. If they do match then you have already restored the wallet correctly, but it has a zero balance and you should check the payments to track down activity

If they do not match and after checking your paperwork you have found a new set of wallet words do the following:

  1. Start MultiBit HD
  2. Follow the Restore -> I want to restore a wallet -> Wallet words/Multibit HD -> verified process as vefore
  3. Click Next and a cloud backup file prompt will appear
  4. Select the location of your .zip.aes file (make sure it is a local file such as in C:\Temp in Windows)
  5. If your wallet words match that cloud backup file then the wallet will be restored from there, if not then you will need to find further wallet words in your records until you do find a match
malmeister commented 6 years ago

HI guys,

Can some-one help me here? I noticed that MultiBit development has been retired. Today, my MultiBit application on MacOS simply didn't recognise the password (which is correct and has always been the same password).

Reading around, I see there is some kind of bug which is the object of lots of speculation but no real detail. So the general advice has been (bearing in mind that I have both the encrypted back-up files and the original wallet words) to import into Electreum which I've tried but without success. I was told to try breadwallet on Android. Again, no success.

Can someone tell me how I can go about decrypting my wallet file to reveal the private keys? What were the underlying command line tools used by MultiBit (if the question applies) which I can apply manually to extract the addresses to access to my Bitcoin again?


noel-zhang commented 6 years ago

found this video, if there's seed words. you can restore it by electrum.

doge2021 commented 1 year ago

HI guys,

Can some-one help me here? I noticed that MultiBit development has been retired. Today, my MultiBit application on MacOS simply didn't recognise the password (which is correct and has always been the same password).

Reading around, I see there is some kind of bug which is the object of lots of speculation but no real detail. So the general advice has been (bearing in mind that I have both the encrypted back-up files and the original wallet words) to import into Electreum which I've tried but without success. I was told to try breadwallet on Android. Again, no success.

Can someone tell me how I can go about decrypting my wallet file to reveal the private keys? What were the underlying command line tools used by MultiBit (if the question applies) which I can apply manually to extract the addresses to access to my Bitcoin again?


possible solution:

doge2021 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have 12 words, I can see "verified" I select Multibit HD , I try syncronization complete 3 times, my wallet is empty. I remember this wallet is automated updated to new version... ths generate new words?..... I use recuva software. I recover some archives for help me please

do you recovered it. if your seeds cant be recovered by multibit hd wallet itself. maybe caused by the beta wallet bug. which operate in 2015. summarized the situation

doge2021 commented 8 months ago

HI guys,

Can some-one help me here? I noticed that MultiBit development has been retired. Today, my MultiBit application on MacOS simply didn't recognise the password (which is correct and has always been the same password).

Reading around, I see there is some kind of bug which is the object of lots of speculation but no real detail. So the general advice has been (bearing in mind that I have both the encrypted back-up files and the original wallet words) to import into Electreum which I've tried but without success. I was told to try breadwallet on Android. Again, no success.

Can someone tell me how I can go about decrypting my wallet file to reveal the private keys? What were the underlying command line tools used by MultiBit (if the question applies) which I can apply manually to extract the addresses to access to my Bitcoin again?


This is caused by the bug of old multibit wallet. can only try to decrypt the keys