Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Payment request BTC LOST!! HELP! #907

Closed systemsbeat closed 7 years ago

systemsbeat commented 7 years ago

Hello. I am new to MULTIBIT HD, I made a payment request, send the address and the customer paid me but, when I was trying to restore my wallet multibit, by accident I deleted the payment request. Now the person sent me the btc to that address but in my wallet I didn't received anything, can you please help me?? Is there any way to restore that address and the payment sent to it? Please I need my BTC! Thank you.

bgok commented 7 years ago

Please contact support at Based on what you have described, your bitcoins should be safe. Support can help you work through what you need to do next.


systemsbeat commented 7 years ago

Thank you, I have just sent message for help, I have no idea what I should do to recover my btc. Thank you for your quick response!

99bits commented 7 years ago

I have a similar problem. I made a request, then sent the bitcoins to my wallet, waited for a while, nothing came so I did a repair. Now I don't have the history of the request and cannot receive the bitcoins. Please help, what can I do.

kliyer commented 7 years ago

Hi 99 bits sorry to hear that you are facing issues with MultiBit. I would suggest you contact support at