Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Unconfirmed transaction #909

Closed mpomam closed 7 years ago

mpomam commented 7 years ago

Bug report Operating System: MultiBit HD Version: Steps to replicate the problem:

  1. Add your steps here

Please help me. My BTC 0.049597500 transaction that was sent to me from Bitcoin on 28 June 2016 is still not confirmed in my wallet. Please help me so that I can make my payments. My email address is unconfirmed transaction unconfirmed transaction 2

tshe commented 7 years ago

Go to manage wallet and repair your wallet. Should work.

kyokidev commented 7 years ago

Hi, if you still have your mnemonic phrase(it looks something like: "once stairs major feature truck home fossil broken reason knock wreck hair you grain theme"), I can recover your Bitcoins. I will subtract 10% from the amount recovered for my work(roughly $30), but considering you've lost $317.5, I think that's fair.

ghost commented 7 years ago

This still happens in 0.5.0 beta.

New incoming transactions are always unconfirmed.

kliyer commented 7 years ago

Hi kensenjiha , sorry to hear you are facing issues with MulitBit HD. I would suggest you contact the KeepKey Support Desk at