Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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wallet btc moved back to unconfirmed column #913

Closed khaptane closed 7 years ago

khaptane commented 7 years ago

my wallet was loaded with a confirmed $63 from which i sent $10 but a day after i logged into my wallet to only see that the remaining $53 has now moved to the unconfirmed amount column amd i cant use my btc. it has been about 24 hours now but it still hasn't been resolved


Bug report Operating System: windows 10 MultiBit HD Version: MultiBit HD Version 0.3.x Steps to replicate the problem:

  1. Add your steps here
reegoon commented 7 years ago

Go to manage wallet and repair your wallet. Should work.

khaptane commented 7 years ago

Thanks very much. it worked