Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Cannot send transaction missing 5000 satoshi despite enough amount for fee #920

Closed SMH17 closed 7 years ago

SMH17 commented 7 years ago

I have tried to empty my wallet sending all the amount to another address

get the error " The send transaction could not be created, missing 5000 satoshi"

This is a critical bug that means Multibit HD doesn't calculate correctly the amount during the transaction processing checks or the wallet corruption happened to my wallet days ago (for another reported critical bug that has affected many others users ) has not been completely repaired during the wallet repair task.

kliyer commented 7 years ago

Hi SMH17 sorry to hear you are facing issues with MulitBit HD. I would suggest you contact the KeepKey Support Desk at

pattoM commented 6 years ago

Why would something be in the market with such bugs not yet fixed?