Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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This transaction did not pay bitcoins to any payment request #972

Open kutu95 opened 7 years ago

kutu95 commented 7 years ago

I sent 1.437 bitcoin to an address 2 days ago. It is still unconfirmed. Multibit tells me "This transaction did not pay bitcoins to any payment request". It has been seen by 23 peers but at the receiving address (a bitcoin exchange) the transaction has a status of 'confirming". Seems to be the same issue as #966 but I am already using version 0.5.1. I have repaired the wallet twice to no avail. Can anyone help me?

kutu95 commented 7 years ago

It took over 3 days but the payment went through eventually. The exchange told me my fees were set too low and that I should set them higher. By default the fee was set to minimum when I set up Multibit and I did not realise I should change that setting. Anyway it is SOLVED now.

unibas commented 7 years ago

My transaction in the Multibit HD wallets (for more than a week) 50,000 satosh commissions were allocated for the transfer of funds. Who can help with the problem ??? How to return funds? Who knows how many years to wait until the transaction ends? 7 Where can I write (give a link)