Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Cannot acces my MultiBit HD wallet #976

Open Imrooo opened 7 years ago

Imrooo commented 7 years ago

Good evening,

at first, I wouldn't contact you if it wasn't the last thing I tried. I installed MultiBit a few days ago, written down the safe words, etc. Then, I moved my bitcoins to the new created wallet.

The day after, I couldn't access the wallet. The application required password, and I am certainly sure about the password, though all I got was "The password did not unlock the wallet". So I tried to restore it, written down the words, then the timestamp and nothing worked at all.

Attaching pictures of what I got. Can you help me anyhow? Thank you. img_20170329_002408 img_20170329_002419

ivan486 commented 7 years ago

i have same problem, alway show "The password did not unlock the wallet" event i restore wallet and put new password, how can i do now :( money stuck there

Imrooo commented 7 years ago

I got help directly from MultiBit support in the end. Everything I had to do was downgrade MultiBit to 0.4.1 and restore the wallet once again. Everything is back to normal now.

ivan486 commented 7 years ago

i was instal 0.4.1 but after restore got same problem, The password did not unlock the wallet" can you please give me how to contact them for help

packtrack commented 7 years ago

I have the exact same problem and I have been unable to solve it.

I think it had to do with a transaction that for some reason would not confirm. I will continue to try and solve this.

VTSTech commented 7 years ago

Confirmed also in 0.5.1 x64 Windows

I get the following error on attempting to restore in the log.

Tried downgrading to 0.4.1. Didn't help.

{"@timestamp":"2017-06-08T16:13:56.981-04:00","@Version":1,"message":"Failed to restore wallet from seed phrase.","logger_name":"org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView","thread_name":"safe-fixed-restore-wallet-0","level":"ERROR","level_value":40000,"stack_trace":"org.multibit.hd.core.exceptions.EncryptedFileReaderWriterException: Cannot read and decrypt the backup file 'K:\BACKUP\MultiBitHD\'\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.core.managers.BackupManager.loadZipBackup( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView.createWalletFromSeedPhrase( [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView.handleCreateWalletStatus( [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView.handleRestoreWallet( [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView.access$000( [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView$ [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\n\tat Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\n\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\n\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\n\tat Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\nCaused by: org.multibit.hd.core.exceptions.EncryptedFileReaderWriterException: Cannot read and decrypt the backup file 'K:\BACKUP\MultiBitHD\'\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.core.managers.BackupManager.loadZipBackup( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.core.managers.BackupManager.loadZipBackup( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\t... 10 common frames omitted\r\nCaused by: org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypterException: Could not decrypt: pad block corrupted\r\n\tat org.multibit.commons.crypto.AESUtils.decrypt( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.core.managers.BackupManager.loadZipBackup( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\t... 11 common frames omitted\r\nCaused by: org.spongycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException: pad block corrupted\r\n\tat org.spongycastle.crypto.paddings.PKCS7Padding.padCount( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.spongycastle.crypto.paddings.PaddedBufferedBlockCipher.doFinal( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.commons.crypto.AESUtils.decrypt( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\t... 12 common frames omitted\r\n"}

I was able to use tool to recover the private keys.

The wallet did unlock/decrypt with the password in recovery tool. But not in either 0.4.1 or 0.5.1 of MultiBitHD Client.

I used the backup 0.5.1 mbhd.wallet.aes to recover. (I had since removed the file to install 0.4.1 and try again with 0.5.1 with no luck)

ronensingerr commented 7 years ago

Download Breadwallet on IOS and enter your wallet words. It saved my BTC.

frederickmorty commented 6 years ago

Whats going on 27 days and no update while our funds are locked? One should be able to recover wallet with file + password, seed words is for lost password/wallet files. i was able to run but get error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 256, in wallet = load_wallet(wallet_file, get_password) File "", line 156, in load_wallet faddr = bitcoin.bin_to_b58check(bitcoin.deserialize_script(out.script_bytes) [2]) File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\bitcoin\", line 43, in bin_t o_b58check inp_fmtd = chr(int(magicbyte)) + inp TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

doge2021 commented 8 months ago

I have the exact same problem and I have been unable to solve it.

I think it had to do with a transaction that for some reason would not confirm. I will continue to try and solve this.

there is bug in the old multibit wallet:

doge2021 commented 8 months ago

i was instal 0.4.1 but after restore got same problem, The password did not unlock the wallet" can you please give me how to contact them for help

there is bug in old multibit wallet: