Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Password doesn't accept on 0.5.1 (mac) #982

Open ServPol opened 7 years ago

ServPol commented 7 years ago

Something happened, and now application stop accepting password for old wallet and for just created new!

n10ty commented 7 years ago

Have same problem. Password 100% correct, but I can't login. Then I tried it on "bread" - it's ok. I can't restore wallet - its freezes, I also can't restore password - also freezes

MartinDrab commented 7 years ago

Well, if I pretend to forget the password to my wallet, v0.5.1 freezes when recovering it. v0.4.1 recovers it successfully but the unlock operation still fails. I have generated my wallet with BIP32. I also tried installing MultiBit HD v0.5.1 into virtual machine (Windows 7) and it showed the same behavior.

When I create a new wallet of the Trezor type, all seems working well.

I have a HaxWell processor which also means built-in AES instructions. I am not sure whether Multibit HD takes advantage of this or not (maybe, there is an error in the implementation).

I solved the problem by moving to Electrum (a friend of mine who has no problems with Multibit HD sent me the money, since he was able to recover and unlock my wallet on his machine).

kliyer commented 7 years ago

I am extremely sorry that all of you are facing the issue of being locked out from your wallet. We have been investigating the issue and unfortunately have not been able to consistently reproduce the issue. Be rest assured that we are working on the problem and would come out with a release to fix the issue for new users. As your wallet files have been corrupted i would recommend deleting the directories from multibit folder ( Mac users - ~/Library/Application Support/MultiBitHD && Windows Users - C:\Usersyour user directory name\AppData\Roaming\MultiBitHD). Install the older version of multibit 0.4.1 ( and recover your wallet with the wallet words. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience being caused.

DethFiesta commented 7 years ago

Our wallet files have been corrupted!?!?! Are you telling me that I just lost more than $10,000?

This is an enormous problem. I just created my wallet, but I did not realize that the wallet creation process won't create a new backup folder (I specified a new subfolder in an existing folder but this appears to have failed on wallet creation). So I do not have a backup, just the one with the newly created installation.

The restore password report has been running for about 30 minutse now on my high-end desktop PC. How long does this process take? Is it hanging because my wallet password cannot be recovered? How can the file verify my wallet words but not my password?

anastasiuspernat commented 7 years ago

This is really a crazy issue. None of the suggested solutions helped me, version 0.4.1 doesn't work - same error. So what I did is I restored my wallet from Time Machine backup (couple days back) and then re-ran MultiBit 0.5.1. This time I was able to log in and then transfer all my money into another wallet software. Hope that software works better.

I'm actually new to Bitcoin, is it a common issue in the Bitcoin world when a bug in the software causes you to potentially lose all your money? I was ready for a risk but not such a risk.

HardCorePawn commented 7 years ago

I suspect the issue is being caused by this commit to bitcoinj:

So in the latest bitcoinj, they're including a "version" field in the tx object...

A little further down in the readTransaction() method when the hash is calculated, MultiBit HD is calculating a hash that doesn't include the version, so it doesn't agree with the hash stored in the transaction received from the network, and then you get the UnreadableWalletException ("Transaction did not deserialize completely: %s vs %s", tx.getHash(), protoHash) being thrown...

So if you receive a transaction that was sent by a wallet using a newer version of bitcoinj, there is a good chance that it will break your multibit HD.

NOTE: the wallet files themselves are NOT corrupted... You can decrypt them just fine... I've even written some python scripts, one of which ( will even dump out the parsed HD wallet in plain text:

Basically, there are transactions being received that the current version of MultiBitHD can not handle and you end up with a confusing "password did not unlock the wallet" error presented to the user.

bgok commented 7 years ago

Nice work! Thanks @HardCorePawn.

To be clear, @HardCorePawn 's script doesn't fix the issue, it allows you to decrypt the wallet file to recover the private key. If you backed up the wallet words when you created your wallet, you won't need to run this script. Once you have your wallet words, you can use them to import your wallet in other wallet software.

HardCorePawn commented 7 years ago

@bgok That is correct. However, please note that the only software I have found so far that is compatible with the MultiBit HD derivation paths (m/0'/0 and m/0'/1) is "Breadwallet" and this is only available as a mobile app on Android and iOS.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I imported my wallet from MultibitHD into the blockchain, but the problem is that the money did not come and the transaction history is saying that it was sent to the following addresses: 144V8jxtmMFdx9rf3hxjx9vW2Xane4XKYV   (0.020434 BTC) 1FGy6Sn15xtxa5hQkro9W31Y3T3YLXpns9   (0.004076 BTC)

I did not perform this transfer, it occurred in the period in which my account was bugged.

In my opinion, multibit stole my bitcoins.

jmoz commented 7 years ago

My password also not accepted. Recover hardly works but managed to fudge it to accept it. On a new login still not working.

Also sent BTC which is now stuck and lost how to fix this?

HardCorePawn commented 7 years ago

Your fee was way too low (Note: this is not a MultiBit HD issue, it is the bitcoin network as a whole). The current recommended fees are much higher (and have been for a number of days now):

The fastest and cheapest transaction fee is currently 390 satoshis/byte

The current best transaction fees 266 Satoshis/byte | 0.00266 BTC/KB

Goto this link:

It has a number of options available to you for getting your transaction confirmed (both free and paid options)

jmoz commented 7 years ago

Thankyou for the information.

On 20 May 2017 at 10:47, HardCorePawn wrote:

Your fee was way too low (Note: this is not a MultiBit HD issue, it is the bitcoin network as a whole). The current recommended fees are much higher (and have been for a number of days now):]

The fastest and cheapest transaction fee is currently 390 satoshis/byte

The current best transaction fees 266 Satoshis/byte | 0.00266 BTC/KB

Goto this link: 41f070cd8a0b6e2019a097adad325125504742e38e7dd57fd7723913430b62d7

It has a number of options available to you for getting your transaction confirmed (both free and paid options)

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-- Regards,

James Morris. JMOZ LTD.

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ashatch commented 7 years ago

I had similar password corruption/wallet issues. I ended up using wallet words to recover my coin by re-generating the key list. I built a tool to help: for each key, it checks the balance according to the blockchain, and optionally outputs the private key.

jmoz commented 7 years ago

Password issue: something is wrong - can only restore from a backup from January. It says failed theres a big X next to wallet created, but then I can use correct password. I get in, it updates. I then repair wallet from inside and reset all passwords to the one I use. I log out and on login it is still broken. The cycle continues.

HardCorePawn commented 7 years ago

Yes, because after the wallet redownloads the transaction that is breaking the wallet... the wallet breaks! 😝

Seriously, until the devs fix this, there is nothing you can do that will make MultiBit HD work once you hit the "Password did not unlock the wallet" issue.

Either import your seed into breadwallet (or "Simple Bitcoin Wallet" on Android)... or use the methods above from @ashatch or myself to get your keys with coins and import/sweep them into another wallet

Frankenmint commented 7 years ago

I can confirm that I get the same issue - for sure confirmed the password is correct...I recall usng the wallet after the issue was reported but BEFORE updating my OS to 10.12.5

I have been running multibit hd fine on sierra otherwise before updating...I'm going to attempt to recover from seed using electrum

that doesnt work because they use differnt wif - I'll do as instructed above and move my raw wallet files to a different location then attempt to restore from seed

Okay I was able to reimport the wallet by renaming the raw wallet files.

It asked me to set a new passphrase - the wallet balance is there but when you attempt to send it doesn't send correctly. You have to shut down the wallet, THEN the tx gets sent. A small error appears but dissappears just as quickly soI couldn't screen grab it... upon opening the wallet recovered wallet the password error repeats itself - looks like I'm going with a different wallet for the time being.

VTSTech commented 7 years ago

Confirmed also in 0.5.1 x64 Windows

I get the following error on attempting to restore in the log.

Tried downgrading to 0.4.1. Didn't help.

{"@timestamp":"2017-06-08T16:13:56.981-04:00","@version":1,"message":"Failed to restore wallet from seed phrase.","logger_name":"org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView","thread_name":"safe-fixed-restore-wallet-0","level":"ERROR","level_value":40000,"stack_trace":"org.multibit.hd.core.exceptions.EncryptedFileReaderWriterException: Cannot read and decrypt the backup file 'K:\BACKUP\MultiBitHD\'\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.core.managers.BackupManager.loadZipBackup( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView.createWalletFromSeedPhrase( [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView.handleCreateWalletStatus( [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView.handleRestoreWallet( [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView.access$000( [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.ui.views.wizards.welcome.restore_wallet.RestoreWalletReportPanelView$ [multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\n\tat Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\n\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\n\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\n\tat Source) [na:1.7.0_80]\r\nCaused by: org.multibit.hd.core.exceptions.EncryptedFileReaderWriterException: Cannot read and decrypt the backup file 'K:\BACKUP\MultiBitHD\'\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.core.managers.BackupManager.loadZipBackup( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.core.managers.BackupManager.loadZipBackup( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\t... 10 common frames omitted\r\nCaused by: org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypterException: Could not decrypt: pad block corrupted\r\n\tat org.multibit.commons.crypto.AESUtils.decrypt( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.hd.core.managers.BackupManager.loadZipBackup( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\t... 11 common frames omitted\r\nCaused by: org.spongycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException: pad block corrupted\r\n\tat org.spongycastle.crypto.paddings.PKCS7Padding.padCount( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.spongycastle.crypto.paddings.PaddedBufferedBlockCipher.doFinal( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\tat org.multibit.commons.crypto.AESUtils.decrypt( ~[multibit-hd.jar:na]\r\n\t... 12 common frames omitted\r\n"}

VTSTech commented 7 years ago

I was able to use tool to recover the private keys.

The wallet did unlock/decrypt with the password in recovery tool. But not in either 0.4.1 or 0.5.1 of MultiBitHD Client.

I used the backup 0.5.1 mbhd.wallet.aes to recover. (I had since removed the file to install 0.4.1 and try again with 0.5.1 with no luck)

toomuchbrandy commented 7 years ago

Hi folks. I'm also experiencing the same issue as those above. Seems MBHD has some serious issues. Anyway, thanks to the "password did not..." I need to restore my wallet without the seed words. I know I should have the seed. There's a long story about why I've not got them but it concludes with me being lazy, negligent, and overly trusting of a piece of software that had performed well for me in the past.

I've been browsing around for hours trying to find a solution, and this thread is about the only encouraging sign I've seen so far. I've tried both the Chris Gurnee solution and now the one proposed by HardCorePawn. Unfortunately, I lack any practical coding/programming knowledge and using the command prompt is completely alien to me.

I've followed the steps as thoroughly and carefully as possible and have found that the Gurnee solution crashes after seconds of it running the decrypt_bitcoinj_seed program. I then stumbled upon the HCP (unspent tx) solution and am now drawing a blank on the "python mbhd.wallet.aes" get the response "'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file".

Apologies if this is incredibly basis stuff but not being particularly technical, I have very little experience with this kind of computing. I would really appreciate some help with the issue, and will happily reward whoever can get me to my funds from the wallet again. Please let me know!


(I run windows 10 64bit, multibit HD, and I'm not sure what other details you might need. Please let me know and I'll get back to you)

Frankenmint commented 7 years ago

you need to point to the python install path then to the script - if python is installed then you need to add the python directory to the windows path so that you can use python <script>.py Use this stackOverflow answer:

Hold ]Win[ key and press ]Pause[.
Click Advanced System Settings.
Click Environment Variables.
Append ;C:\python27 to the Path variable.
Restart Command Prompt.

Confirm that you did indeed install python to that directory C:\python27 befor doing this and if not, then add the ;C:\yourpythoninstalldir to the Path variable in the step above.

toomuchbrandy commented 7 years ago

You guys are freaking legendary geniuses. Thank you SO much :)