Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Can no longer access my wallet #987

Closed Raffa19 closed 7 years ago

Raffa19 commented 7 years ago

I've got a transaction which seems to be stuck (36 hrs so far), and today I have tried to open my wallet and the password isn't working. Just tells me that it has failed to open the wallet. I've no idea if the 2 things are connected in any way, but I more worried that I can't access my wallet than the transaction being stuck which should resolve itself eventually. I do want to get at my bitcoins though! I've tried going to 'forgotten my password' and using my words, although I am 100% confident that I have it right, and it has been working fine yesterday and earlier today. After putting in my words, I just get a message saying 'working...', and that's all. Really could do with some help - I'm having a nightmare!!

Raffa19 commented 7 years ago

OK - Have done a fair bit of looking through other people's problems. It seems the 2 issues are probably linked ... the problem isn't to do with the encryption, it's something to do with the content of the wallet itself. I think I have got access back to the wallet by restoring to a version earlier than when I set up the transaction that's stuck. I now have access to the wallet (I think), but am just waiting for it to synchronise from 40%. Will close - next step is trying to get the transaction to go through somehow.