Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Fee too low - is there anything I can do? #991

Closed Raffa19 closed 7 years ago

Raffa19 commented 7 years ago

Hi I know this isn't an issue, but my own stupidity, but even so any help would be great! I've mistakenly tried to send some bitcoins from my Multibit HD wallet to a different wallet that is also mine. Unfortunately I forgot to check the fee that was attached to the payment, the last time that I used this wallet was almost 12 months ago and it looks like fees have increased several times over in the interim. So, I've sent it with a fee of 44 sat/B, and current is showing a recommendation of 330 sat/B. So, it's now been stuck for 3 days, and I'm guessing it may never get picked up by a miner. There's about 250 quid in the transaction, so I would rather get it back, either returned to my wallet, or successfully sent as soon as possible. I know some other wallets allow you to increase the fee, or do things like parent pays for child, but can't see any options to do this on Multibit HD. Any advice, or am I just in a waiting game ... and if so how long will I be waiting for ... forever? Thanks

HelloUniverse0815 commented 7 years ago

Same for me here. I didn't use the client for some months, realizing the fee is way too low now.

Would be interesting in a solution, too.

It would also make sense to let the client automatically update the appropriate fee after startup, to prevent issues like that, or show some warning this could be a problem.

bgok commented 7 years ago

Here's a few things to try:

There is a knowledge base article for an older version of multibit, but some of the information may still be helpful.