Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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More password not working woes.... #994

Closed mikelj closed 7 years ago

mikelj commented 7 years ago

I'm really stuck...hope someone can help. Same password problem as others, tried everything & resorted to @ServPol method, but already had unconfirmed transaction on blockchain when this happened. So sequence of events - about a week ago transferred BTC from Multibit HD to Coinbase. Showed as pending in Coinbase, then disappeared...still seen as "sending" in MBHD and after a week finally rejected & pruned from blockchain but now I can't log in to MBHD. How do I find out what address the BTC were returned to in MBHD so I can look for it at ? I have the seed.

WeaverTL commented 7 years ago

@mikelj My best guess is that they were returned to some change address created by Multibit. Try generating the change addresses with m/0'/1 as your BIP32 Derivation Path and look for your remaining bitcoins there.

mikelj commented 7 years ago

Thks for reply...hadn't sussed that the derivation path for change addresses was different :-( but was sorted anyway..managed to find an old non-cloud backup of MHD wallet (for which the password seemed to work) and let it sync. This put the unconfirmed tx back on blockchain and used a tx acceleration service to get it through...finally ! This whole MHD password issue is a real pain - can't believe they haven't fixed it yet.