Multibit-Legacy / multibit

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
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Please help me, I lost the key file #745

Open VUONGTATCHUNG opened 8 years ago

VUONGTATCHUNG commented 8 years ago

I am currently using the software of the company, but because my computer was broken, I've lost two key files Bitcoin address.

2 This address



Please help me recover.

thanks u

gary-rowe commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately, if you don't have access to the private keys then you don't have access to the bitcoin they control. We don't have any access to anyone's private keys.

There are some options though. Please have a read of these help articles that provide useful background information:

In summary, this means that you will have to run some kind of data recovery software over your hard disk and look for a .wallet or .key file. Once found you can then use a fresh install of MultiBit Classic to open the wallet file, or import the key file, and recover your private keys.

To prevent this kind of problem happening in the future, we recommend that our users upgrade to MultiBit HD at their earliest opportunity. See this article for details: