Multibit-Legacy / multibit

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
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log of the disappearance of sending BTC #760

Open tunderball opened 8 years ago

tunderball commented 8 years ago

need urgent help , I'm new in these parts. I made a transfer from my wallet to wallet other and something happened that I did not realize , yesterday disappeared today the btc output record that I did I hope I can help I will leave two photos before the disappearance and one after the disappearance . I hope to have well expressed my problem

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codegogo commented 7 years ago

Hi all

The same problem happened with my Multibit wallet - I attempted to send 1 BTC, the wallet deducted the amount from the balance & then lost the transaction!

To fix, export available transactions, created a wallet at & then import the private keys.

Multibit, what a stress!

Hope this helps G