Multibit-Legacy / multibit

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Can't load one of my wallets . Multibit classic ,reward 1 BTC #781

Open slowdayz opened 7 years ago

slowdayz commented 7 years ago

Hello, today i've been transferring some btc between my multibit classic wallets , the moment i have created new wallet , my another wallet went down , and now i can't open it anymore . It's says : could not load wallet file , error message was null . I tried some tutorials , with different versions of multibit and wipe it , also another computer , bitcoin core , electrum , renaming , but seems nothing is working. was also created just today , and i have only original .wall .info files and data file ,it was not encrypted , i had not exported keys at that moment. Wallet have back up files , i manage to open only earliest one , and it showed my 1 of 2 btc address in that wallet , i was able to send out small fraction of what is in rest btc address of that wallet , i can't get opened. I have been reading all day and i see only option is decrypt private keys from wallet file. As wallet is not password protected it should be possible . Can anyone help me ? I can reward 1 BTC if issue is solved. Thank you And Best Regards

slowdayz commented 7 years ago

15:45:00.968 [main] INFO org.multibit.MultiBit - Starting MultiBit at 28 Mar 2017 13:45:00 GMT 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - exe4j.moduleName = C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\multibit-classic.exe 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - exe4j.semaphoreName = Local\c:_multibitclassicportable0519_multibit-classic.exe0 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - sun.boot.library.path = c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\bin 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.vm.version = 24.80-b11 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.vm.vendor = Oracle Corporation 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.vendor.url = 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - exe4j.consoleCodepage = cp0 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - path.separator = ; 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - file.encoding.pkg = 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = US 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - user.script = 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - sun.os.patch.level = Service Pack 1 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - install4j.exeDir = C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\ 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = Java Virtual Machine Specification 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - user.dir = C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.runtime.version = 1.7.0_80-b15 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.awt.graphicsenv = sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.endorsed.dirs = c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\lib\endorsed 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - os.arch = x86 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = C:\Users\Alien\AppData\Local\Temp\ 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - line.separator =

15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.vm.specification.vendor = Oracle Corporation 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - user.variant = 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - exe4j.tempDir = 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = Windows 7 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar = true 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - proxySet = false 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - sun.jnu.encoding = Cp1252 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.library.path = C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Lenovo;C:\ProgramData\Lenovo\ReadyApps;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\bin 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - sun.awt.enableExtraMouseButtons = true 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - install4j.launcherId = 24 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = Java Platform API Specification 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.class.version = 51.0 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = HotSpot Client Compiler 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - exe4j.isInstall4j = true 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - os.version = 6.1 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - install4j.swt = false 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - user.home = C:\Users\Alien 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - user.timezone = Europe/Paris 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.awt.printerjob = 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - file.encoding = Cp1252 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.specification.version = 1.7 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.class.path = C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519.install4j\i4jruntime.jar;C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519.\multibit-exe.jar;C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519.install4j\user.jar;C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\jre\lib\deploy.jar;C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\jre\lib\plugin.jar 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = Alien 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.vm.specification.version = 1.7 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\multibit-classic.exe 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.home = c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = 32 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - exe4j.launchName = C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\multibit-classic.exe 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - user.language = en 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.specification.vendor = Oracle Corporation 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - awt.toolkit = 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = mixed mode, sharing 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - exe4j.unextractedPosition = 0 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.version = 1.7.0_80 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.ext.dirs = c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - sun.boot.class.path = c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\lib\resources.jar;c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\lib\rt.jar;c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\lib\jsse.jar;c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\lib\jce.jar;c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\lib\charsets.jar;c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\lib\jfr.jar;c:\multibitclassicportable0519\jre\classes 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - install4j.appDir = C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\ 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.vendor = Oracle Corporation 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - file.separator = \ 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - java.vendor.url.bug = 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - = UnicodeLittle 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - sun.cpu.endian = little 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - install4j.systemLanguage = en 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - install4j.keepLog = true 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - sun.desktop = windows 15:45:00.968 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - sun.cpu.isalist = pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86 15:45:00.968 [main] INFO o.m.ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator - Application data directory.1 = '' 15:45:00.983 [main] INFO org.multibit.MultiBit - Configuring native event handling 15:45:00.983 [main] INFO org.multibit.MultiBit - Checking to see if this is the primary MultiBit instance 15:45:00.983 [main] DEBUG o.m.ApplicationInstanceManager - Listening for application instances on socket 8331 15:45:00.983 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - userLanguageCode = en 15:45:00.983 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - MultiBit version = 0.5.19 15:45:00.983 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Creating model 15:45:00.983 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.model.BaseModel - Initial view from properties file is 'SHOW_IMPORT_PRIVATE_KEYS_VIEW' 15:45:01.014 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Setting look and feel 15:45:01.014 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.ColorAndFontConstants - labelBackground = 240 240 240 15:45:01.014 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.ColorAndFontConstants - labelForeground = 0 0 0 15:45:01.014 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Creating user interface with initial view : SHOW_IMPORT_PRIVATE_KEYS_VIEW 15:45:01.030 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.ColorAndFontConstants - labelBackground = 240 240 240 15:45:01.030 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.ColorAndFontConstants - labelForeground = 0 0 0 15:45:01.248 [Timer-4] DEBUG - exchange is null ... creating exchange ... (isFirstExchange = true) 15:45:01.248 [Timer-4] DEBUG - shortExchangeName is null, defaulting to Bitstamp 15:45:01.248 [Timer-4] DEBUG - creating exchange from exchangeShortname = Bitstamp 15:45:01.248 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = '' 15:45:01.248 [main] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.MultiBitFrame - Displaying view 'SHOW_IMPORT_PRIVATE_KEYS_VIEW' 15:45:01.389 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Registering with controller 15:45:01.389 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - The user data directory is "". 15:45:01.389 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - The installation directory is "C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519". 15:45:01.389 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Creating Bitcoin service 15:45:01.389 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.MultiBitTabbedPane - Set selected index = 3 15:45:01.436 [main] DEBUG - Network parameters = 15:45:01.436 [main] DEBUG - Loading/ creating blockstore ... 15:45:01.436 [main] DEBUG - filePrefix = multibit 15:45:01.436 [main] INFO o.m.ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator - Application data directory.1 = '' 15:45:01.436 [main] DEBUG - Installed checkpoints file = 'C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\multibit.checkpoints'. 15:45:01.436 [main] DEBUG - Using user data checkpoints file as it is longer/same size as installed checkpoints - 17493 bytes versus 17493 bytes. 15:45:01.436 [main] DEBUG - Opening / Creating SPV block store 'multibit.spvchain' from disk 15:45:01.482 [main] DEBUG - Blockstore is '' 15:45:01.482 [main] DEBUG - Creating blockchain ... 15:45:01.529 [main] DEBUG - Created [Suspicious link removed].google.bitcoin.core.MultiBitBlockChain@be458b' with height 459337 15:45:01.529 [main] DEBUG - Creating peergroup ... 15:45:01.560 [main] DEBUG - Created peergroup 'MultiBitPeerGroup [NEW]' 15:45:01.560 [main] DEBUG - Starting peergroup ... 15:45:01.560 [main] DEBUG - Started peergroup. 15:45:01.576 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Locating wallets 15:45:01.576 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - When loading early wallets, there were 1 15:45:01.576 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - When loading protobuf3 wallets, there were 0 15:45:01.576 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - When loading the wallet orders, there were 1 15:45:01.576 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Loading wallet from 'C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\mano.wallet' 15:45:01.576 [Timer-4] DEBUG - marketDataService = com.xeiam.xchange.bitstamp.service.polling.BitstampPollingMarketDataService@cc5d4b 15:45:01.576 [Timer-4] DEBUG - exchangeSymbols = [BTC/USD] 15:45:01.576 [Timer-4] DEBUG - Getting ticker for BTC USD 15:45:01.576 [main] DEBUG o.m.model.bitcoin.WalletInfoData - The wallet version in the constructor was '3'. In the wallet info file it was '2'. Using the latter. 15:45:01.763 [Timer-4] DEBUG - checkServerTrusted authType = ECDHE_RSA 15:45:01.872 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Cleaning wallet 'C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\mano.wallet' of spam ... 15:45:01.872 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - done. 15:45:01.888 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.MultiBitTabbedPane - Set selected index = 0 15:45:01.888 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Checking for Bitcoin URI on command line 15:45:01.888 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - No Bitcoin URI provided as an argument 15:45:01.888 [main] DEBUG o.m.c.bitcoin.BitcoinController - handleOpenURI.2 called and rawBitcoinURIString ='null' 15:45:01.888 [main] DEBUG o.m.c.bitcoin.BitcoinController - No Bitcoin URI found to handle 15:45:01.888 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Downloading blockchain 15:45:01.888 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - The current chain height is 459337 15:45:01.888 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - For wallet 'C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\mano.wallet the lastBlockSeenHeight was 459337 15:45:01.888 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - needToSync = false 15:45:01.904 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-1] DEBUG - Downloading blockchain - regularDownloadIsRunning = true 15:45:01.950 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = 'Synchronising with network...' 15:45:01.966 [Timer-4] DEBUG - Got ticker for BTC USD 15:45:01.966 [Timer-4] DEBUG - Exchange = Bitstamp 15:45:02.184 [NioClientManager] DEBUG - ReplayTask with UUID null has completed. 15:45:02.184 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = 'Synchronised with network.' 15:45:02.184 [NioClientManager] DEBUG - ReplayTask with UUID null has completed. 15:45:02.184 [bitcoinj user thread] DEBUG - Download has completed (in ReplayManager) - regularDownloadIsRunning = false 15:45:02.184 [bitcoinj user thread] DEBUG - Download has completed (in ReplayManager) - regularDownloadIsRunning = false 15:45:02.184 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = 'Synchronised with network.' 15:45:02.294 [NioClientManager] DEBUG - ReplayTask with UUID null has completed. 15:45:02.294 [bitcoinj user thread] DEBUG - Download has completed (in ReplayManager) - regularDownloadIsRunning = false 15:45:02.294 [bitcoinj user thread] DEBUG - Download has completed (in ReplayManager) - regularDownloadIsRunning = false 15:45:02.294 [NioClientManager] DEBUG - ReplayTask with UUID null has completed. 15:45:02.294 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = 'Synchronised with network.' 15:45:02.294 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = 'Synchronised with network.' 15:45:08.393 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.action.OpenWalletAction - Executing open of wallet 'C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\003.wallet'. 15:45:08.393 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-2] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.action.OpenWalletAction - Opening wallet 'C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\003.wallet'. 15:45:08.393 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-2] DEBUG o.m.model.bitcoin.WalletInfoData - The wallet version in the constructor was '3'. In the wallet info file it was '2'. Using the latter. Transaction did not deserialize completely: 663d1793aa8189fa6dfd73c4230c40fd16462daee44d0667bf90b62ff9ee48a1 vs e9f931f019058179b910081354500b5d3613253ac60c25cf288ba2355b854871 at at at at at org.multibit.file.FileHandler.loadFromFile( at at org.multibit.controller.bitcoin.BitcoinController.addWalletFromFilename( at org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.action.OpenWalletAction$1.doInBackground( at org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.action.OpenWalletAction$1.doInBackground( at javax.swing.SwingWorker$ Source) at Source) at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source) 15:45:08.409 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-2] ERROR org.multibit.file.FileHandler - Transaction did not deserialize completely: 663d1793aa8189fa6dfd73c4230c40fd16462daee44d0667bf90b62ff9ee48a1 vs e9f931f019058179b910081354500b5d3613253ac60c25cf288ba2355b854871 15:45:08.409 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-2] DEBUG org.multibit.file.BackupManager - For wallet 'C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\003.wallet' the rolling backup file was 'C:\Users\Alien\Desktop\MultiBit\003-data\rolling-backup\003-20170328100621.wallet' and the best encrypted/ unencrypted backup was 'C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\003-data\wallet-unenc-backup\003-20170328082816.wallet' Transaction did not deserialize completely: 663d1793aa8189fa6dfd73c4230c40fd16462daee44d0667bf90b62ff9ee48a1 vs e9f931f019058179b910081354500b5d3613253ac60c25cf288ba2355b854871 at at at at at org.multibit.file.FileHandler.loadFromFile( at at org.multibit.controller.bitcoin.BitcoinController.addWalletFromFilename( at org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.action.OpenWalletAction$1.doInBackground( at org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.action.OpenWalletAction$1.doInBackground( at javax.swing.SwingWorker$ Source) at Source) at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source) 15:45:08.409 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-2] ERROR org.multibit.file.FileHandler - Transaction did not deserialize completely: 663d1793aa8189fa6dfd73c4230c40fd16462daee44d0667bf90b62ff9ee48a1 vs e9f931f019058179b910081354500b5d3613253ac60c25cf288ba2355b854871 Transaction did not deserialize completely: 663d1793aa8189fa6dfd73c4230c40fd16462daee44d0667bf90b62ff9ee48a1 vs e9f931f019058179b910081354500b5d3613253ac60c25cf288ba2355b854871 at at at at at org.multibit.file.FileHandler.loadFromFile( at at org.multibit.controller.bitcoin.BitcoinController.addWalletFromFilename( at org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.action.OpenWalletAction$1.doInBackground( at org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.action.OpenWalletAction$1.doInBackground( at javax.swing.SwingWorker$ Source) at Source) at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source) 15:45:08.409 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-2] ERROR org.multibit.file.FileHandler - Transaction did not deserialize completely: 663d1793aa8189fa6dfd73c4230c40fd16462daee44d0667bf90b62ff9ee48a1 vs e9f931f019058179b910081354500b5d3613253ac60c25cf288ba2355b854871 15:45:08.409 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-2] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.action.OpenWalletAction - Setting active wallet for file 'C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\003.wallet'. 15:45:08.409 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = 'Unable to load wallet "C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\003.wallet" or backups. See help on "Wallet Backups" for more details. The error was " Transaction did not deserialize completely: 663d1793aa8189fa6dfd73c4230c40fd16462daee44d0667bf90b62ff9ee48a1 vs e9f931f019058179b910081354500b5d3613253ac60c25cf288ba2355b854871 Transaction did not deserialize completely: 663d1793aa8189fa6dfd73c4230c40fd16462daee44d0667bf90b62ff9ee48a1 vs e9f931f019058179b910081354500b5d3613253ac60c25cf288ba2355b854871 Transaction did not deserialize completely: 663d1793aa8189fa6dfd73c4230c40fd16462daee44d0667bf90b62ff9ee48a1 vs e9f931f019058179b910081354500b5d3613253ac60c25cf288ba2355b854871".' 15:45:08.409 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-2] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.action.OpenWalletAction - Writing user preferences. . . 15:45:08.409 [SwingWorker-pool-3-thread-2] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.action.OpenWalletAction - User preferences with new wallet written successfully 15:45:08.440 [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR o.m.v.swing.action.OpenWalletAction - Could not load the wallet file "C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\003.wallet". The error message was "null" 15:45:08.440 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = 'Could not load the wallet file "C:\MultiBitClassicPortable0519\003.wallet". The error message was "null"'

brohemath commented 7 years ago

you are not the only one having problems with classic right now, If I find the solution I will hit you back, don't need the reward got 10G held up right now in this wallet haha brohem

Spratan commented 7 years ago

I had the same problem 2 months ago and I recovered my btc. I need to check again. Have you found the solution since your post?

brohemath commented 7 years ago

My solution was to load multibit on another computer and import the wallet keys to that computer. Was able to get most of the wallets to load. I found a solution somewhere else to said you needed to delete an sv file when you get that corruption report but they don't tell you where it is! lol a file path would have been nice.

terry1328 commented 3 years ago

Hello, did u manage to fix it?

doge2021 commented 1 year ago

Hello, today i've been transferring some btc between my multibit classic wallets , the moment i have created new wallet , my another wallet went down , and now i can't open it anymore . It's says : could not load wallet file , error message was null . I tried some tutorials , with different versions of multibit and wipe it , also another computer , bitcoin core , electrum , renaming , but seems nothing is working. was also created just today , and i have only original .wall .info files and data file ,it was not encrypted , i had not exported keys at that moment. Wallet have back up files , i manage to open only earliest one , and it showed my 1 of 2 btc address in that wallet , i was able to send out small fraction of what is in rest btc address of that wallet , i can't get opened. I have been reading all day and i see only option is decrypt private keys from wallet file. As wallet is not password protected it should be possible . Can anyone help me ? I can reward 1 BTC if issue is solved. Thank you And Best Regards

do you recovered it, it maybe caused by bug of multibit

KONK777 commented 10 months ago

Hello, today i've been transferring some btc between my multibit classic wallets , the moment i have created new wallet , my another wallet went down , and now i can't open it anymore . It's says : could not load wallet file , error message was null . I tried some tutorials , with different versions of multibit and wipe it , also another computer , bitcoin core , electrum , renaming , but seems nothing is working. was also created just today , and i have only original .wall .info files and data file ,it was not encrypted , i had not exported keys at that moment. Wallet have back up files , i manage to open only earliest one , and it showed my 1 of 2 btc address in that wallet , i was able to send out small fraction of what is in rest btc address of that wallet , i can't get opened. I have been reading all day and i see only option is decrypt private keys from wallet file. As wallet is not password protected it should be possible . Can anyone help me ? I can reward 1 BTC if issue is solved. Thank you And Best Regards

Nothing is impossible for me. Still having a problem?

doge2021 commented 9 months ago

Hello, today i've been transferring some btc between my multibit classic wallets , the moment i have created new wallet , my another wallet went down , and now i can't open it anymore . It's says : could not load wallet file , error message was null . I tried some tutorials , with different versions of multibit and wipe it , also another computer , bitcoin core , electrum , renaming , but seems nothing is working. was also created just today , and i have only original .wall .info files and data file ,it was not encrypted , i had not exported keys at that moment. Wallet have back up files , i manage to open only earliest one , and it showed my 1 of 2 btc address in that wallet , i was able to send out small fraction of what is in rest btc address of that wallet , i can't get opened. I have been reading all day and i see only option is decrypt private keys from wallet file. As wallet is not password protected it should be possible . Can anyone help me ? I can reward 1 BTC if issue is solved. Thank you And Best Regards can help if you still have the files