Multibit-Legacy / multibit

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
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MultiBit Wallet File Signature Help #798

Open DLW0322 opened 6 years ago

DLW0322 commented 6 years ago

Before jumping in to tell me how this software is no longer supported/discontinued, here's my back story. About 4 years ago, I opened my first coin wallet with multi-bit and due to my only having a casual interest in BTC at the time, I didn't keep up with it, and over the course of 2 years this computer's hard drive was re-imaged twice over. Meaning I lost my private key for the wallet.

I went about a file recovery process using photorec on Lubuntu Live USB installation, which allows me to recover files from the old partition, however in order to access what I am looking for (the MultiBit wallet file containing the private key) I need to know the file signature for MultiBit Wallet files. Photorec by default recovers certain file types by their signature, and can also have custom signatures added to it. Does anyone know the Multibit wallet signature (for either Multibit classic or Multibit hd) and share the signatures with me so that I can recover that private key and access the balance in my coin wallet?

Using photorec is important because these are bitlocker partitions.