Multiverse / Multiverse-3

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Sponge? #7

Closed ryantheleach closed 9 years ago

ryantheleach commented 10 years ago

Multiverse seems to be coded fairly platform independently, are there any plans on making it work on sponge if / when an API is available, and if so, do you have any input on how multiple worlds should be handled in the stock sponge API?

elliot-huffman commented 9 years ago

+1 for sponge.

dumptruckman commented 9 years ago

Multiverse 3 was designed with the idea that Bukkit will not be forever and as such, we'll hopefully be able to be sponge compatible.

I'm not sure how much leeway sponge has with loading default worlds and such, but it'd be great if plugins could have an event hook of some sort to load custom worlds right along side the default worlds, so that when most plugins load, those custom worlds are there without having to wait (depend) on specific world management plugins to load them.

elliot-huffman commented 9 years ago

If you have any ideas then go and help them out with building the API. They mentioned something about world handling and I immediately though of you guys and thought that if you had the chance you might be able to do GREAT things for the Sponge API in regards to world APIs.

To summarize:

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Jeremy Wood wrote:

Multiverse 3 was designed with the idea that Bukkit will not be forever and as such, we'll hopefully be able to be sponge compatible.

I'm not sure how much leeway sponge has with loading default worlds and such, but it'd be great if plugins could have an event hook of some sort to load custom worlds right along side the default worlds, so that when most plugins load, those custom worlds are there without having to wait (depend) on specific world management plugins to load them.

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Arzte commented 9 years ago

Since sponge is a forge mod, multiverse would have better luck trying to mod with forge, seeing as for 1.8 sponge is an API without it's own implantation.

elliot-huffman commented 9 years ago

Sponge will builds its own server software. They wanted to start as a plug initially then expand into other systems and eventually a server implementation.

Arzte commented 9 years ago

That's true, although they will continue to have third party support for other platforms. Therefore it would be better to make it for other platforms as well, like glowstone or lapis

dumptruckman commented 9 years ago

I'm still waiting to see what happens with sponge before working with it. There isn't a way to create worlds in the API yet so that's kind of a non-starter.

elliot-huffman commented 9 years ago

@dumptruckman I know they need help with the API. Would you consider helping them with the multi world support API?

Rigby90 commented 9 years ago

@dumptruckman Was curious myself a few weeks back and took a look. Noticed there seemed to be a lack of world management API currently. Unsure as to whether it's on their radar however I have seen several comments on their forums of people putting their hand up to do the work to port Multiverse across as we're apparently lazy :(.

fernferret commented 9 years ago

@Rigby90 are they wrong :P But seriously. There are now a bunch more mods and APIs, so the system could get more complex. I've already volunteered some of my time to have a look at MV2.x issues with spigot.

Rigby90 commented 9 years ago

Without side tracking the issue! I would say they were wrong, being lazy and being extremely busy are two separate things :)

With regards to 2.x for Spigot, have at it. I believe @dumptruckman has a 3.x branch/repo which is more flexible and designed around there being multiple server platforms & api's.

fernferret commented 9 years ago

So true :D I was very aware of @dumptruckman's awesome. I haven't looked at it much, but I have people pestering me to setup a server again with all this 1.8 shenanigans going on, so I may give that a look too. I'd say we're well due for a release.

Rigby90 commented 9 years ago

Indeed, will see what the new year brings... Hopefully some well deserved spare time.

If you need any assistance or anything for Jenkins etc let me know.

dumptruckman commented 9 years ago

Not sure why they would be looking for someone to port mv to sponge when there isn't even an implementation. They'd have a bit of trouble anyway without any ability to create worlds. On Dec 23, 2014 3:41 PM, "Rigby90" wrote:

Indeed, will see what the new year brings... Hopefully some well deserved spare time.

If you need any assistance or anything for Jenkins etc let me know.

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fernferret commented 9 years ago

@dumptruckman I was merely referencing MV3 for use with Spigot (sorry, I caused this thread to go way off topic)

kugick commented 9 years ago

And now? What's going on?

dumptruckman commented 9 years ago

Well, I worked with the sponge team a bit to improve their world management API. I'm suppose to be working on an MV3 implementation for it but I've simply been too busy with work and school to do much.

Rigby90 commented 9 years ago

What's the current state of MV3?

elliot-huffman commented 9 years ago

@Rigby90 I would like to know this too.

Update: Spong is progressing very slowly. Spigot might be the way to go as their still up and running.

Rigby90 commented 9 years ago


dumptruckman commented 9 years ago

The current state is that MV3 can create, delete, import, list, load and unload worlds for Bukkit. That means it is perfectly suitable if all you want to do is have extra worlds loaded but not much beyond that. The properties system is partly implemented. The next steps there are to make the modify commands work and to make the properties have actual effects. Teleporting might work....