The goal of this list to is to keep track of what needs to be done in MV3 to match the features of MV2. It also includes new features not available in MV2.
[ ] Anchor
[ ] Check
[ ] Clone
[ ] Config
[X] Confirm
[ ] Coord
[X] Create
[X] Debug
[X] Delete
[ ] Environment
[ ] Gamerule
[ ] Gamerules
[ ] Generator
[ ] Help
[X] Import
[x] Info
[X] List
[X] Load
[X] Modify (Add/Remove/Clear/Set)
[ ] Purge
[ ] Regen
[X] Reload
[ ] Remove
[ ] Script
[ ] Set Spawn
[ ] Silent
[ ] Sleep
[ ] Spawn
[ ] Spout
[ ] Teleport
[X] Unload
[X] Version
[ ] Who
[ ] Block Safety (Needs to be updated for Bukkit. Needs implementation for Sponge.)
[X] Fancy Text
[ ] Location Manipulation (I don't think this is needed.)
[X] Destinations
[ ] World Manager (Most of this probably doesn't work yet for Sponge...)
Idk if this is a good place to suggest things to implement, but it would be nice to have a way to keep certain chunks loaded in certain worlds. And bungee cord support would be amazing.
The goal of this list to is to keep track of what needs to be done in MV3 to match the features of MV2. It also includes new features not available in MV2.
Location Manipulation(I don't think this is needed.)Entity BlacklistsOther