Multiverse / Multiverse-Adventure

Provides Adventure-Support for Multiverse
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Configurable delays before reset? #12

Closed ghost closed 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

Another "asked on irc post here so we remember" ticket...

I'm thinking of trying out this adventure thingy for a world dedicated to grief, but I would like the reset to be configurable, not just when everyone logs off. (eg like a reset at midnight each day, log off during the day and nothing happens to world), as I assume my players would want to show others the grief they did.

Now that I was typing this, another idea came to me: is there a way you could take a screenshot from a particular location, save it to the server somewhere, then restore the world?

main-- commented 12 years ago

Multiverse-Adventure is designed for Adventure-Worlds, it's not an anti-griefing-plugin.

ghost commented 12 years ago

To me this isn't 'anti-griefing', this is grief the crap out of a world, then let it reset and do it all over again. If I want Anti-grief i wouldn't reset the world like this all the time cause then new creations would be lost.

fernferret commented 12 years ago

Upon re-reading, this sounds a lot like the 'scratch' feature I want to add (ex: mining world that gets reset every day). Maybe we open a new ticket for a "cron" type of reset vs the current "player"? If we made the reset condition configurable, that'd be sweet...