Multiverse / Multiverse-Adventure

Provides Adventure-Support for Multiverse
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Getting some errors with MVA #24

Closed dumptruckman closed 12 years ago

dumptruckman commented 12 years ago

A user reported, in irc, some errors with MVA (possibly in association with MVP): Will see if he can provide some background here.

neonerz commented 12 years ago

I'm the user who was receiving these errors.

Background on my setup: Running Minecraft Server 1.2.4, PEX for permissions and MV 2.4, MVP 2.4 and MVA 2.4 (as you could see from the first pastebin).

Everything seems to work fine at first then eventually it starts spitting out the errors as per the pastbin's above (there were a lot more errors, but those were the only ones I could catch). Portals stop working, When I die inside a map, I end up in a world that isn't loaded in MV, and MVA will start saying worlds aren't loaded.

When the issue starts, even a reload/restart doesn't fix it. I need to delete all config.yml and portal.yml for all the MV plugins, and recreate my portals. Then it will start working, and then stop again.

I moved over to portals 535 per dumptruckman's suggestion in IRC, which seemed to resolve the issues for the most part, but after the server running for a couple hours, dying inside a map spawns me outside of multiverse into the map defined inside A restart of the server (service) clears the issue, but it comes back. Also, beds don't work.

When the plugins are loaded 535 spits out the following for each map: Though, as I stated above, all the portals will work for a while then have that spawn issue.

List of plugins I'm running: AdminCmd ChatManager MobDisguise MobileAdmin Modifyworld MV Adventure MV Portals MV PermissionsEx World Edit WorldGuard

dumptruckman commented 12 years ago

These may be fixed in the latest builds of Adventure and Portals.

dumptruckman commented 12 years ago

Should definitely be fixed in latest: