Multiverse / Multiverse-Adventure

Provides Adventure-Support for Multiverse
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Option to disable automatic reset #27

Closed FarmCodeGary closed 12 years ago

FarmCodeGary commented 12 years ago

I'd like to use Multiverse-Adventure with manual reset only. (Maybe this feature already exists, but it's not documented?) I run a small server with friends/family, and I'd like it if players could play an adventure map and not lose their progress if they stop part-way through - but still have a manual reset option available if they totally screw up the map.

Phlarx commented 12 years ago

I second this motion.

Suggested implementation: If the delay times are both zero (or perhaps -1), turn autoreset off, OR, add a boolean to control autoreset.

dumptruckman commented 12 years ago

added with: 2 new settings in config per world.