Multiverse / Multiverse-Adventure

Provides Adventure-Support for Multiverse
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set respawn to be on adventure map on death while you die on the adventure map #32

Closed drummwill closed 12 years ago

drummwill commented 12 years ago

like the title just a feature suggestion when you die in the adventure map, have the option in config to respawn inside the adventure map instead of the normal world spawn to make it more user friendly :3

dumptruckman commented 12 years ago

This is actually the default behavior of Multiverse. If people are not respawning in the world they die in, the likely cause is that you have a different plugin controlling respawning. Essentials perhaps? There are also other plugins but I believe EssentialsSpawn is the most common culprit.

drummwill commented 12 years ago

i have removed essentialsSpawn and set essentials config spawning priority to lowest, and i have set mvm set respawn world to the adventure map, but when i die i still respawn on my bed thats NOT in the adventure map world