Multiverse / Multiverse-Adventure

Provides Adventure-Support for Multiverse
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Inventory not resetting with Multiverse Adventure / Inventory #47

Open JAG100 opened 11 years ago

JAG100 commented 11 years ago

Note: I also posted this under Multiverse Inventory Ticket Area as I'm not sure if it's a Multiverse Adventure or Inventory issue or, mostlikely, something I'm doing wrong!

To my understanding, if one installs Multiverse Adventure and Multiverse Inventories, a player's inventory is suppose to reset every time MVA resets the target World. Perhaps I have setup something wrong but I have a main "world" and then an adventure world "pirates". I have the user's spawning into Pirates World and should they pickup some loot they will retain it upon leaving and returning to Pirates World. I would prefer their inventory is wiped clean each time Multiverse Adventure resets the map. I'm running Multiverse Core, Multiverse Inventory, and Multiverse Adventure. I have a couple other plugins mainly Noswear and Stargate that works with my Bungeecord setup. Any ideas how I can configure Multiverse Inventory so that it properly wipes out inventory on adventure map resets?