Multiverse / Multiverse-Adventure

Provides Adventure-Support for Multiverse
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Get Adventure RELEASED! #5

Closed fernferret closed 12 years ago

fernferret commented 12 years ago

I want to see a formal release of MVA with the 2.2 system. What's left to do?

main-- commented 12 years ago

There seems to be a CraftBukkit-bug that causes some problems with MV-Adventure, @snowleo found it. (This should notify him, right? Would be nice if he could post details about the issue)

But apart from that the plugin appears to be quite ready :D

snowleo commented 12 years ago

The problem with craftbukkit:

When you unload and load a world in CraftBukkit, it's possible that the worlds gets an already used dimension id. This results in all sort of problems.

fernferret commented 12 years ago

Has this been posted to ?

snowleo commented 12 years ago

Not yet.

fernferret commented 12 years ago

Well I may be able to mark as confirmed and get the appropreate people informed. If you could post some steps to reproduce (sounds like it may be tricky to reproduce...) here, that'd be awesome.

fernferret commented 12 years ago

Side note, do you think said issue could be related to Multiverse/Multiverse-Core#122 ?

main-- commented 12 years ago

IRC-logs explaining the issue:

snowleo commented 12 years ago


snowleo commented 12 years ago

And yes, these and the floating animals of the other referenced ticket there are probably because of this bug.

main-- commented 12 years ago

I think Bukkit/CraftBukkit@f6f42098a7eea933f62c0457356dcba73eff156b fixed this.

fernferret commented 12 years ago

Sweet, will be playing with this this weekend. We need to make sure the wiki is up to snuff then we'll remove the beta tag, and push it out with the other 2.3 plugins!

snowleo commented 12 years ago

Don't forget to mention the huge memory leaks in the wiki ;)

fernferret commented 12 years ago

Are we good with this and 2.3?

Kurusca commented 12 years ago

Any ETA on release?

dumptruckman commented 12 years ago

I believe this is fixed...

@Kurusca This would be up to @main-- . I've been fixing a few things lately but the team as a whole has been a little under-active. Best I can say is "when it's ready" :)

Kurusca commented 12 years ago

Only reason i ask is there is a plugin that is trying to compete with this. It actually does work but errors out when a player enters the portal....i have submitted a ticket as well as posted in the core forum but have had no response....really want to use this on my 1.2.5 server