Multiverse / Multiverse-Core

The original Bukkit Multi-World Plugin!
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Adding a new Multiverse-Addon The Instance Portal #1316

Open Noumpas13 opened 10 years ago

Noumpas13 commented 10 years ago

Relying on this: Is Multiverse Missing that little something that you need? Ask us! Or better yet, hop on our IRC (#multiverse) and tell us that you'd like to fork us and add a feature! You can of course do this without consulting us, but we cannot accept pull requests that will break Multiverse for the rest of our users! Don't go write your own World Management plugin, join the team and submit a pull request

I am making this suggestion of a new Multiverse Addon that covers the needs of this plugin request i made:

Instances. Like most of RPG games that have instances, similar to "mini-games plugins", instances is a plugin that will start a quest or a mission (single or multiplayer) in a server. You can join the instances through portals (i recommend using multiverse apl) that leads a place (same or different world) where you manually build the instance (example: parkour). So you manually build the parkour road and at the other side of the road is a portal that leads you back. Now what i need on this plugin is whenever joining one of these instance portals, the inventory and xp and everything are saved, when you teleport there you get the items chosen through the config file for the specific instance, and the rewards for achieving that. So when you return from the instance you have the same stuff when you joined +the rewards (rewards through the config file). By the way i need a good plugin, not a simple one, that will be able to create queue when the instance is already being used, a free for all when anyone can join any time, a single instance or a 3/4/5/X players instance that will need at least 3/4/5/X players to start, a room where the team is managed (waiting the 4 first players to join and set READY in order to continue to the instance or choose classes), options that you can add on each instance through config: -time/clock If the team or the player dont manage to pass the exit portal in less than X s/m/h, he exits automatically without the rewards, or another reward. Example: Reach the location under 5 minutes -Death If the team or the player die once they exit the instance, or they have X amount of lives/tries Example: Siege, you have 4 lives to achieve your goal -Instance price (Use Multiverse apl so you can add price when you use the portal) + permissions for each group [member - instance] [Premium - instance] etc -Instance cooldown You may use the specific portal/instance every X s/m/h/d through the config for each instance (for example you can create a daily instance) -Instance Levels You can add sub-instances in an instance so you will have to use the main portal to enter instance and when you end it you pass through a sub-instance portal that passes to a new instance and you will have to end it ass well to exit the whole instance and get the reward. Example: Survival Instance, pass through 4 rooms in less than 3 minutes and with 3 lives per room, when you achieve your goal (kill all the zombies in the room) a portal appears and you proceed to the next level.

So what i need is an addon that creates these kinds of portals (instances) that you can manage through a config file with everything needed + permissions + rewards + levels + every kind of option, that is relative with a mini game, but YOU can custom your minigame as you wish (through vanilla like parkour, or a plugin that creates npcs to fight or reach some kind of goal)

dumptruckman commented 10 years ago

There is Multiverse-Adventures that does a type of instancing but there's also a plugin called Instances that does it even better (but it requires craftbukkit and may not currently be up to date..)