Multiverse / Multiverse-Downloader

The plugin that helps you download Multiverse plugins!
2 stars 2 forks source link

Question: What version does it download? #2

Closed yaitsbilly closed 11 years ago

yaitsbilly commented 11 years ago

I'm I've been using MV2 for the past 10+ months now, I haven't updated much and still working fine. But I have noticed that I've been getting more errors on console side. Looking to update now.

With this downloader, what version does it download or can you choose which ones you want to get? And does this work with 1.4.7 R1 ?

main-- commented 11 years ago

It downloads from BukkitDev so you won't get the latest dev builds.

And does this work with 1.4.7 R1 ?

Multiverse is a Bukkit plugin and therefore, there's no need to update it when your CraftBukkit version changes.