Multiverse / Multiverse-Inventories

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Command-based configuration workflow please! #355

Open emanuele3d opened 4 years ago

emanuele3d commented 4 years ago

Hi everybody,

right now configuring Multiverse-Inventories is quite atypical in comparison to other plugins I have experienced, including the rest of Multiverse.

Specifically, the command /mvinv group begins a multi-step interactive configuration process which can feel somewhat unusual. The user also doesn't necessarily realise he is in "group creation/editing mode" until an error message is displayed, i.e. if she tried to send a message in what she thinks is the normal chat text field.

Personally I'd be quite happy with a plain command-based workflow. I.e.:

# Lists the worlds mv-inv is aware of. Until resolved this would also 
# implicitly highlight the fact that mv-inv is not world-alias-aware nor
# it is aware of multiverse worlds until they are manually added to it.
/mvinv info worlds

# provides mv-inv information about a world, 
# i.e. which worldgroup it is part of and the associated sharing flags
/mvinv info <worldname>

# lists the available mvinv groups but doesn't call them "groups"
# because that's ambiguous with "user groups"
/mvinv info worldclusters  # could also be worldgroups or worldgroupings

# provides mv-inf information about a worldgroup,
# i.e. which worlds are in it and the associated sharing flags
/mvinv info <worldclustername>

# Create/Remove a worldgroup
/mvinv create|remove <worldclustername>

# Sets (true) or unsets (false) a sharing flag for the given worldgroup.
# If the flag "all" is given all flags for the worldgroup are set or unset
/mvinv set|unset <flagname> <worldclustername>

# Add/Remove a world from a world cluster
/mvinv add|remove <worldname> <worldclustername>

In the meantime, a simple prompt sign such as > or even mvinv> would mark a difference between the standard chat text field and the mvinv create/edit mode. Perhaps that could be quick to implement.

Hope this helps.

benwoo1110 commented 3 years ago

413, ACF should reintroduce commands to configure world groups.