MultiverseLearningProducts / curriculum

Multiverse Software Engineering Level 4 (2021)
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Mod 2 Refactor the lessons into 2 day workshop and 3 day workshop #46

Open bmordan opened 3 years ago

mandyWW commented 3 years ago

I have refactored Mod 2 and the updated version is now available at:

Key changes:

Please add any review comments below...

charliemerrell commented 3 years ago

Implement the following "Messages" APIs in your framework of choice

I think, if we're going to hard code respones, we should just hard code responses like "This was a PUT request for id :id". It's a bit confusing if /messages and /messages/:id return the same thing.

Alternatively, we could have them use a JavaScript object as an in memory database:

const app = express();

let messages = {
  1: "hello",
  2: "hi"


and then they could actually read and write to it without having to get a database involved?

charliemerrell commented 3 years ago

A few cases of text expanding outside the table (e.g. on the hashing page). I think we should maybe also not show the password in the table (but say, "Mandy and Charlie both have the same password" beforehand) as it looks like an SQL table and I'd be worried apprentices would think they should store the password in the database.

charliemerrell commented 3 years ago

To speed up database searches

I'm not sure the explanation with this is really sufficient. I think we should either just say "HashTables can be used for fast lookup" and leave it there, or else give the full explanation of how they work (I give think I have explanation in my mod1 notes).

charliemerrell commented 3 years ago

Bcrypt is considered secure as it enforces the use of a salt and has a work factor to reduce the speed at which an attacker can crack the hash.

I think we should make the point that Bcrypt is computationally expensive and so slow to brute force. "work factor" probably won't mean much to them wihtout context.

charliemerrell commented 3 years ago

I think the hashing assignment will be too easy if they choose not to use the database, since they can just copy paste the code from the example and they're done.

charliemerrell commented 3 years ago

validating the incoming username and password against hashed credentials created in the previous lesson

What would the students who didn't use a database in the last lesson do here?

charliemerrell commented 3 years ago

Your API must have associated unit and integration tests [from final project]

I think the section on unit testing APIs has been removed - I'm not sure they'll know how to unless it's covered in the REST Pluralsight courses?

charliemerrell commented 3 years ago

but looks great, @mandyWW - nice work :D

millerpils commented 2 years ago

We've lost all the HTTP content? That's a great shame if so as there are many concepts therein that are applicable to REST.

Edit: actually I think this now lives in the bootcamp so not such a big deal

mandyWW commented 2 years ago

HI @charliemerrell - I have implemented all your changes aside from "text expanding outside the table". All the code snippets for cut & paste have been removed so should be more of a challenge!

mandyWW commented 2 years ago

@millerpils - the rest intro is now in the pre-work - see I think we should still move some content to the Bootcamp too though - hasn't yet been done.