MultiverseLearningProducts / swe

Here is the entry point to the level 4 Software Engineering curriculum
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Images #1

Open bmordan opened 4 years ago

bmordan commented 4 years ago

Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 12 01 56

mandyWW commented 3 years ago
bmordan commented 3 years ago
Screenshot 2021-02-08 at 11 57 02
mandyWW commented 3 years ago



title Restaurant Class Diagram

class Restaurant {

class Menu {

class MenuItem {


charliemerrell commented 3 years ago


charliemerrell commented 3 years ago

dec enc

charliemerrell commented 3 years ago


bmordan commented 2 years ago
Screenshot 2021-09-16 at 10 22 25 Screenshot 2021-09-16 at 10 23 15
mandyWW commented 2 years ago

SDLC stages

mandyWW commented 2 years ago

So Fresh Use Diagram


title Use Case Diagram

left to right direction actor Customer actor DeliveryDriver actor Paypal

rectangle System { (View nutrition info) as OF (Select box) as SB (Checkout) as C (Pause Deliveries) as PD (View route) as VR


Customer --> OF Customer --> PD Customer --> SB Customer --> C C --> Paypal

DeliveryDriver --> VR


mandyWW commented 2 years ago
wireframe for food delivery site
mandyWW commented 2 years ago

So Fresh simple Use Case diagram


title Use Case Diagram

left to right direction actor Customer actor DeliveryDriver

rectangle System { (Select box) as SB (Checkout) as C (View route) as VR


Customer --> SB Customer --> C C --> Paypal

DeliveryDriver --> VR


mandyWW commented 2 years ago
User Story - As a customer I want to pause my deliveries when I go on holiday so I don't incur costs
mandyWW commented 2 years ago
Example Persona of an ex rockstar who requires high quality ingredients for his new hobby of cooking
mandyWW commented 2 years ago

Activity diagram


title Activity Diagram \n

(*) --> "Attempt delivery"

(*) --> "Attempt delivery"

if "Person in" then -->[true] "Mark delivered" -right-> () else -->[false] "Leave with neighbour" --> () endif


mandyWW commented 2 years ago

Use Case diagram with inputs and output highlighted

mandyWW commented 2 years ago



actor Customer

package "Load Balancer Layer" { [Load Balancer] }

package "Web Server Layer" { [Web Server] }

package "Application Server Layer" { [Application Server] }

cloud { [Authentication Server] }

database "Postgres" { frame "Table" { [Orders] } }

Customer -down-> [Load Balancer] [Load Balancer] -down-> [Web Server] [Web Server] -down-> [Authentication Server] [Authentication Server] -down-> [Application Server] [Application Server] -down-> [Orders]


mandyWW commented 2 years ago

UML Class diagram


title UML Class Diagram

class Account class Delivery class Recipe class OneOffDelivery class RepeatingDelivery class Discount

Delivery "1" *-- "many" Recipe

Delivery <|-down- OneOffDelivery Delivery <|-down- RepeatingDelivery

User "1" -down-> "1" Account Discount "1" -> "" Account Account "1" -> "" Delivery


mandyWW commented 2 years ago

UML Sequence diagram


title "UML Sequence Diagram"

actor User

User -> Webapp : pause delivery Webapp --> User Webapp -> API : pause delivery API --> Webapp API -> Account : pause delivery Account --> API Account -> Delivery : check within timeframe Delivery --> Account Account -> Delivery: delete Delivery --> Account


mandyWW commented 2 years ago
mandyWW commented 2 years ago
IntelliJ compiler warning
mandyWW commented 2 years ago

Pull request

mandyWW commented 2 years ago
the cost of a bug at different stages of the SDLC (more expensive as you go through the stages)
mandyWW commented 2 years ago

created by Mandy in Canva

mandyWW commented 2 years ago
GitHub Co-pilot alpha release testing invitation
mandyWW commented 2 years ago
Beta test You Tube
mandyWW commented 2 years ago

Created by Mandy

mandyWW commented 2 years ago

Pair programming

Photo by Parabol on Unsplash

mandyWW commented 2 years ago
mandyWW commented 2 years ago