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Generate study plan #62

Open learndeviomartin opened 1 year ago

learndeviomartin commented 1 year ago

Create a calendar template based on hours of course and avaliable time. Also factor in time of day ( morning, day, afternoon, evning)

For example. A user has 3 courses on 15 hours each. And he can spend 1 hour a day monday-friday and 2 hours a day on weekends.

9 hours total per week 5 weeks to complete it all.

Create study plan page.


This will create a new "studyplan" obejct in a new collection. It should contain a list of Events thats all connected to this studyplan and some other data. This should be added to the overview. Current Studyplan completion. Time remaing and so on.

Update the events to include a "studyplanId"

Should the studyplan be seperate from other stuff on the calender? Or should everything be added to the same studyplan. Or should the user be abel to have many study plans aswell as seperate events? New events should be added to a studyplan or not?

Maybe keep it simpel and let the user create a template first and then add stuff to it. Later on the can mark the study plan as completed and create a new one?