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Goal setting #78

Open learndeviomartin opened 1 year ago

learndeviomartin commented 1 year ago

Given that your platform is designed to help users keep track of courses they take on other websites, the goal setting feature should be flexible and adaptable to a variety of learning scenarios. Here's a suggested structure for the goal setting feature:

Goal Type: Allow users to select the type of goal they want to set. This could include options such as completing a specific course, mastering a particular skill or technology, or dedicating a certain number of hours to studying.

Course/Subject Selection: Based on the chosen goal type, let users select the specific course(s) or subject(s) they want to focus on. Users should be able to search for and add courses from their existing list of courses on other websites.

Target Date: Allow users to set a target date by when they want to achieve their goal. This will help them stay on track and maintain a sense of urgency.

Progress Tracking: Provide a way for users to track their progress towards achieving their goal. This can include a progress bar, percentage completed, or a checklist of sub-goals or milestones. Users should be able to update their progress manually since the courses are taken on external websites.

Reminders & Notifications: Offer users the option to receive reminders and notifications related to their goal. This can include deadline reminders, progress updates, or encouragement messages to keep them motivated.

Goal History: Keep a record of users' past goals and their progress towards achieving them. This can help users analyze their performance over time and set more realistic goals in the future.

Goal Sharing: Allow users to share their goals with friends or fellow learners, fostering a sense of accountability and support.

To implement this feature, you could create a dedicated "Goal Setting" page or integrate it into the user's dashboard. The goal setting feature should be user-friendly and visually appealing, making it easy for users to set, track, and achieve their learning goals while using your platform to keep track of their courses and progress.