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Add "on boarding" for first time users #81

Closed learndeviomartin closed 1 year ago

learndeviomartin commented 1 year ago

When a new user logs in they should be greeted by a step by step guide

Welcome Screen: Start with a warm welcome message that briefly explains what your app does. This sets the tone and gives users a clear understanding of the purpose of your app.

Feature Walkthrough: Use a series of screens to highlight the main features of your app. Each screen could focus on a single feature with a brief explanation of what it does and how to use it. Use visuals wherever possible, as they can help users understand better than text alone.

Interactive Elements: If possible, make your onboarding process interactive. Allow users to engage with the features as they are being explained. This hands-on approach can help users understand and remember the functionality better.

Skip Option: Always provide an option to skip the onboarding process. Some users may prefer to explore the app on their own.

Accessible Later: Make the onboarding process accessible from the help or settings menu. This way, users can refer back to it if they're unsure about anything later on.

Remember to keep the onboarding process brief and engaging. The goal is to quickly get users up to speed so they can start using your app effectively.