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Refactor and improve design #89

Open learndeviomartin opened 1 year ago

learndeviomartin commented 1 year ago

Evaluate the current design: Take a step back and assess the existing architecture of your application. Look for areas that might be causing issues or could be improved. Some aspects to consider during evaluation include:

Performance bottlenecks: Identify any areas of the application that are causing performance issues or are not optimized. Code duplication: Look for code that is repeated in multiple places. This duplication can lead to maintenance challenges and increase the likelihood of introducing bugs. Scalability and extensibility: Assess whether the current design can accommodate future growth and new features without major rework. Separation of concerns: Evaluate how well the application's components are organized and whether they have clear responsibilities. Testability: Determine how easily the components of the application can be tested in isolation. Refactor where necessary: Once you have identified areas for improvement, it's time to refactor the code. Refactoring involves restructuring the code without changing its external behavior. Here are some approaches to consider:

Break down complex components: If you come across large components that are difficult to understand or maintain, consider breaking them down into smaller, more focused components. This improves readability, reusability, and maintainability. Apply design patterns: Identify opportunities to apply design patterns such as the Factory pattern, Singleton pattern, or Strategy pattern to improve the architecture. Design patterns provide proven solutions to common design problems. Follow SOLID principles: Ensure that your code adheres to the SOLID principles (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion). These principles help create more maintainable and flexible code. Eliminate code duplication: Look for duplicated code and extract it into reusable functions or modules. This reduces the chances of introducing bugs and makes maintenance easier.