Munich-Quantum-Software-Stack / QDMI

Quantum Device Management Interface (QDMI)
Apache License 2.0
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planqc backend #9

Closed AdVetter closed 4 months ago

AdVetter commented 6 months ago

planqc_backend to connect to the planqc plattform. Currently, a simulator with a maximum of 5 qubits is at our side connected until we have real hardware. This can then be changed from the QDMI config file to use the real hardware.

Also, the code to connect to our platform is autogenerated from OpenAPI spec I added the planqc_api folder in root. If there is a better place to put these files would be good to know.

With the test_planqc target the complete workflow of sending a simple circuit and getting results can be tested.

burgholzer commented 6 months ago

@echavarria-lrz I think the last commits here ( and have nothing to do with this PR and should not be part of it. Please consider moving them to a separate PR.

echavarria-lrz commented 6 months ago

@kayaercument forgot to switch branches before pushing. Could you please take care of this? Cheers

kayaercument commented 6 months ago

@kayaercument forgot to switch branches before pushing. Could you please take care of this? Cheers

It should be fixed now. @AdVetter Could you please confirm?

burgholzer commented 4 months ago

Closing this for now since backends have been moved to their dedicated repository (, if they shall be maintained by the MQSS team, or in a separate repository, if maintained by the provider.