MunifTanjim / nui.nvim

UI Component Library for Neovim.
MIT License
1.61k stars 57 forks source link

how to set up highlight? #291

Closed RAprogramm closed 1 year ago

RAprogramm commented 1 year ago


prepare_node = function(node)
      local line = NuiLine()
      line:append(string.rep('  ', node:get_depth() - 1))
      if node:has_children() then
        line:append(node:is_expanded() and ' ' or ' ', 'SpecialChar')
        line:append('  ')
      return line
MunifTanjim commented 1 year ago

Highlight for what? What are you trying to do? What is not working?

You need to provide code examples, otherwise I can't know about the issues you're facing.

RAprogramm commented 1 year ago

I can not change highlight in nui tree. I use there nui lines. And all inside nui popup

MunifTanjim commented 1 year ago

Which highlight are you talking about? I'm seeing that SpecialChar is applied correctly in the screenshot.


RAprogramm commented 1 year ago

I am talking about background. Is black, but could be transparent.

MunifTanjim commented 1 year ago

How did you create the popup? That's why I asked for code examples. Without seeing the codes, without knowing what you're doing, I can't help.

RAprogramm commented 1 year ago
local NuiTree = require('nui.tree')
local NuiLine = require('nui.line')
local event = require('nui.utils.autocmd').event
local Popup = require('nui.popup')

return function()
  ---@type integer number of themes installed
  local theme_count = #require('plugins.themes')
  local write_to_conf = require('core.utils').replace_word
  local ui = require('NEVIRAIDE').ui
  local change_pallete = function(pallete) vim.g.everforest_background = pallete end

  local popup = Popup({
    position = { row = 3, col = '100%' },
    size = { width = 20, height = theme_count },
    enter = true,
    focusable = true,
    zindex = 999,
    relative = 'editor',
    border = {
      padding = {
        top = 1,
        bottom = 1,
        left = 2,
        right = 2,
      style = 'rounded',
      text = {
        top = ' Colorschemes ',
        top_align = 'right',
        bottom = ' ' .. ui.theme:gsub('^%l', string.upper) .. ' ',
    buf_options = {
      modifiable = false,
      readonly = true,
      filetype = 'nui_themes',
    win_options = {
      winblend = 10,
      winhighlight = 'Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder',

  popup:on(event.BufLeave, function() popup:unmount() end)


  popup:map('n', 'q', function() popup:unmount() end, { noremap = true })

  ---@param name string name you will see in tree
  ---@param colorscheme string name for command line
  ---@param background? string background
  ---@param pallete? string background pallete
  ---@return function
  local treeNode = function(name, colorscheme, background, pallete)
    return NuiTree.Node({
      text = name,
      theme = colorscheme,
      background = background,
      pallete = pallete,
  -- FIX: highlight in transparent mode
  -- TODO: close node, when open another

  local tree = NuiTree({
    winid = popup.winid,
    nodes = {
      NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Catppuccin' }, {
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Dark' }, {
          treeNode('Frappe', 'catppuccin-frappe'),
          treeNode('Macchiato', 'catppuccin-macchiato'),
          treeNode('Mocha', 'catppuccin-mocha'),
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Light' }, {
          treeNode('Latte', 'catppuccin-latte'),
      NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Dracula' }, {
        treeNode('Classic', 'dracula'),
        treeNode('Soft', 'dracula-soft'),
      NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Everforest' }, {
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Dark' }, {
          treeNode('Soft', 'everforest', 'dark', 'soft'),
          treeNode('Medium', 'everforest', 'dark', 'medium'),
          treeNode('Hard', 'everforest', 'dark', 'hard'),
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Light' }, {
          treeNode('Soft', 'everforest', 'light', 'soft'),
          treeNode('Medium', 'everforest', 'light', 'medium'),
          treeNode('Hard', 'everforest', 'light', 'hard'),
      NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Gruvbox' }, {
        treeNode('Dark', 'gruvbox', 'dark'),
        treeNode('Light', 'gruvbox', 'light'),
      NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Kanagawa' }, {
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Dark' }, {
          treeNode('Wave', 'kanagawa-wave'),
          treeNode('Dragon', 'kanagawa-dragon'),
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Light' }, {
          treeNode('Lotus', 'kanagawa-lotus'),
      NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Material' }, {
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Dark' }, {
          treeNode('Darker', 'material-darker'),
          treeNode('Deep ocean', 'material-deep-ocean'),
          treeNode('Oceanic', 'material-oceanic'),
          treeNode('Palenight', 'material-palenight'),
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Light' }, {
          treeNode('Lighter', 'material-lighter'),
      NuiTree.Node({ text = 'One Dark' }, {
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Dark' }, {
          treeNode('Classic', 'onedark'),
          treeNode('Dark', 'onedark_dark'),
          treeNode('Vivid', 'onedark_vivid'),
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Light' }, {
          NuiTree.Node({ text = 'OneLight', theme = 'onelight' }),
      NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Tokyo Night' }, {
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Dark' }, {
          NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Moon', theme = 'tokyonight-moon' }),
          NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Night', theme = 'tokyonight-night' }),
          NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Storm', theme = 'tokyonight-storm' }),
        NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Light' }, {
          NuiTree.Node({ text = 'Day', theme = 'tokyonight-day' }),
    prepare_node = function(node)
      local line = NuiLine()
      line:append(string.rep('  ', node:get_depth() - 1))
      if node:has_children() then
        line:append(node:is_expanded() and ' ' or ' ', 'SpecialChar')
        line:append('  ')
      return line
  }, {
    bufhidden = 'hide',
    buflisted = false,
    buftype = 'nofile',
    swapfile = false,

  local map_options = { noremap = true, nowait = true }

  popup:map('n', '<CR>', function()
    local node = tree:get_node()
    if node.theme then
      if node.background then
        if node.pallete then
            "pallete = '" .. ui.pallete .. "'",
            "pallete = '" .. node.pallete .. "'"
          "background = '" .. ui.background .. "'",
          "background = '" .. node.background .. "'"
        vim.o.background = node.background
        "theme = '" .. ui.theme .. "'",
        "theme = '" .. node.theme .. "'"
    elseif node:collapse() then
  end, map_options)

  -- collapse current node
  popup:map('n', 'h', function()
    local node = tree:get_node()
    if node:collapse() then tree:render() end
  end, map_options)

  -- collapse all nodes
  popup:map('n', 'H', function()
    local updated = false
    for _, node in pairs(tree.nodes.by_id) do
      updated = node:collapse() or updated
    if updated then tree:render() end
  end, map_options)

  -- expand current node
  popup:map('n', 'l', function()
    local node = tree:get_node()
    if node:expand() then tree:render() end
  end, map_options)

  -- expand all nodes
  popup:map('n', 'L', function()
    local updated = false
    for _, node in pairs(tree.nodes.by_id) do
      updated = node:expand() or updated
    if updated then tree:render() end
  end, map_options)

MunifTanjim commented 1 year ago

Looks like this is caused by the theme you're using.

What's the output of :hi Normal?

Also, which theme are you using?

MunifTanjim commented 1 year ago

Might also be problem with your terminal.

I'm using Kitty terminal and gruvbox theme. And it's working alright for me.

RAprogramm commented 1 year ago

Normal xxx guifg=#b0bec5 Catppuccin

RAprogramm commented 1 year ago

Same in another colorschemes

RAprogramm commented 1 year ago

i am using kitty too. and this with gruvbox 2023-08-02-225209_hyprshot

MunifTanjim commented 1 year ago

Okay, I reproduced this.

It happens when guibg is empty for Normal highlight group and winblend is set for popup.

In your case Normal is guifg=#b0bec5 (so missing guibg) and winblend = 10.

So, either

That should solve it.

MunifTanjim commented 1 year ago

Also, this is not something that nui.nvim is doing. This is how Neovim behaves.

RAprogramm commented 1 year ago

Removing winblend from popup config solved my problem. Thank you very much. thanks for your attention. I appreciate it. Good luck in everything