MunsMan / kitty-navigator.nvim

NeoVim Kitty Navigator
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[Feature request] SSH compatibility #4

Open slai-nick opened 2 weeks ago

slai-nick commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, thanks for the plugin I am really enjoying the integration.

I have one request, and I don't know if that is possible, but it would be great if kitty-navigator would work in a ssh session.

Currently it forces me to handle different configurations or shortcuts when I am working remote as changing vim window ends up changing kitty window.

MunsMan commented 2 weeks ago


Thanks for using the plugin! I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the integration.

That's a good idea. Unfortunately, I'm currently pretty busy and won't be able to take a look at this for another three weeks. However, if you want to give it a try yourself, here are some pointers on how to solve the problem:

  1. Install Kitty on the Remote Machine: Ensure that Kitty is installed on the remote machine. You can use the following commands to install Kitty using Linux brew:

    wget -O kitty.txz
    mkdir $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Cellar/kitty
    tar xf kitty.txz -C $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Cellar/kitty
    ln -sf $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Cellar/kitty/bin/kitty $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin
    rm kitty.txz
  2. Enable Remote Control in Kitty: Configure Kitty to allow remote control by adding the following lines to the ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf file on both local and remote machines:

    allow_remote_control yes
    listen_on unix:/tmp/mykitty

    Alternatively, you can start Kitty with the following command:

    kitty -o allow_remote_control=yes --listen-on unix:/tmp/mykitty
  3. Set Up SSH Port Forwarding: To forward the Kitty remote control socket over SSH, use the following command when connecting to the remote machine:

    ssh -R 50000:${KITTY_LISTEN_ON#*:} user@host

    You can also add an alias to your shell configuration file (e.g., .zshrc or .bashrc) to simplify this step:

    alias ssh='ssh -R 50000:${KITTY_LISTEN_ON#*:}'
  4. Configure Environment Variables: On the remote machine, add the following snippet to your shell configuration file (e.g., .zshrc):

    if [[ $SSH_TTY ]] && ! [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then
     export KITTY_PORT=$(kitty @ ls 2>/dev/null | grep "[0-9]:/tmp/mykitty" | head -n 1 | cut -d : -f 1 | cut -d \" -f 2)
  5. Update Kitty Navigator Configuration: Ensure that the key bindings for navigating between Kitty windows and Neovim splits are correctly set in the ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf file:

    map ctrl+j kitten neighboring_window bottom ctrl+j
    map ctrl+k kitten neighboring_window top ctrl+k
    map ctrl+h kitten neighboring_window left ctrl+h
    map ctrl+l kitten neighboring_window right ctrl+l
  6. Install and Configure the Plugin: Ensure that the munsman/kitty-navigator.nvim plugin is installed and configured in Neovim. You can use a package manager like Lazy.nvim:

     build = {
       "cp ~/.config/kitty",
       "cp ~/.config/kitty",
     opts = {
       keybindings = {
         left = "<C-h>",
         down = "<C-j>",
         up = "<C-k>",
         right = "<C-l>",
  7. Test the Configuration: Restart Kitty and Neovim, and test the navigation to ensure that the key bindings work seamlessly both locally and over SSH.

You are welcome to give it a try and let me know if you run into any issues. I'll be able to take a closer look in a few weeks.